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As a birthday present my dad decided to send me to Spain to spend one week there yeah i am spanish but I wasn't that interested beacuse I didn't have any friends and i have never been to spain and I don't have relatives there cause i was born in the US.
As i packed all of my bags that i will take for a one week trip i decided to meet my friends before travelling.

"So you didn't tell us where are you going in Spain" jayson said.

"Dad said Madrid yeah Madrid i guess" i said.

"Noooo way"alexis yelled.

"What" i said.

"Are you going to the Santiago bernabeu" she said.

"And what is that" i asked confused.

"Bitch wtf" she said.

"Don't listen to her she is a crazy fan of Real Madrid"brennen said.

"No really am pissed off you missed your whole life not knowing those hot players" alexis said sipping from her coffee.

"I couldn't care less" i sighed.

"Listen sweetie i have talked to my friend he will guide you in madrid and i made sure you will stay with him"my dad said while driving the car on our way to the airport.

"And who is that friend dad" i said.

"His name is zidane"my dad said.

"And be careful there will be guys at where you are going to stay" my dad said looking at me dead serious.

"Can't i go to a hotel and discover madrid by my own"i said.

"That's not an option i have talked to zidane and everything is set up" he said I didn't respond cause I didn't feel like i wanna talk anymore i was thinking about what my dad just said and how many guys will be there?Cause he didn't say a guy he said "GUYS".

"Wake up" i felt my dad shaking me.

"We arrived at the airport" he said i just nodded carrying my handbag and opening the door.

"Hope you will have a nice trip and don't forget to take care and call me whenever you want have a happy birthday sweetie" my dad said i hugged him.

"Daddy aren't you going to talk to mom am really worried about her" i said still hugging him he brushed my hair and said "i will see about that all that matters now is that you have a safeflight" my dad said i let go off him.
I drag my suitcase and my handbag.

"Bye" i said.

"Bye adelina" my dad said blowing me a kiss and i just smiled walking off.

"Ma'am please your passport and the ticket"

My plane landed in Madrid-Cuatro Vientos airport i took my suitcase and my handbag.
As i was walking i saw someone holding a paper with my name in it i guess this is Zidane my dad's friend.

"Hey am Adelina" i said aproaching to him.

"Hello yound lady am Zidane" he said extending his hand and i shooked it.

"You must be new to this place " he said.

"Yes i am i have never been to Spain" i said.

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