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Sergio's pov.
"You have to stay here" wait what.

"Adelina listen I can't leave my family and friends there" I said.

"So you mean you won't leave your friends and family for me but you want me to leave them for you" She said sitting next to me on the couch.

"I thought we were you family and friends" I said.

"You guys are truly my family and friends but I don't think I will go back there" She said.

"I won't leave until you come with me" I said.

"Stop wasting your time I won't come back"she said.

"Wasting my time Adelina you are my everything I can't just leave you here and go" I said.

"Nobody said you have to leave me you know you can stay" She said.

"Adelina I will never stay here I have nothing in here except you"I said.

"I will stay here end of discussion" She said.

*In the mansion*
"Karim why are you smiling can you tell me what's going on" Gareth said.

"Yesterday when I was at the club I was like hella drunk so I texted a random girl who I thought was the girl I was dancing with turns out this girl was my old bestfriend" Karim said.

"Wow goals" James said.

"What's her name" Cris said.

"Isadorah" Karim said.

"Show us a pic" Gareth said.

"Okay okay but she's mine get it guys" Karim said opening his phone searching for the pic she sent.

"Here" Karim said showing his friends the pic that Isadorah sent.

"My heart" James said.

"Wow Is this really her" Gareth said with wide eyes and Karim nodded proudly.

"Damn when is she coming over" Jese said.

"I actually invited her over but I am waiting for Sergio and Adelina you know they can be friends" Karim said.

"What if she's another Xenia or Alessandra" Cris said.

"Believe me she isn't she's sweet as fuck" karim said.

"Boi stop cursing shouldn't you be fasting" Marcelo said.

"Mmhm oh about that gotta blast" Karim said going upstairs.

So guys i made a new fanfic that's called "kik" that's what karim was talking about.

Madrid's mansion→MADRIDSLUT.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora