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Adelina's pov.
Explaining to my dad that I want to go back to America was so hard he wouldn't accept but I already told Alessandra I quit and my dad was pretty disappointed.

"Listen dad I am not a little child anymore I can make my own decisions and I am going back to America" I said.

"You are not leaving" He said my dad is an easy target if I started crying or if i begged him he will give in.

"Dad pretty please there is nothing left for me in here" I said.

"What about me" He said.

"I swear I will visit you every month" I said.

"Than go pack" He said a little sad.

"Thanks" I said kissing his cheek.

Going inside the room I locked the door I wasn't happy at all that I was leaving Spain but I have to have some time alone.
Packing my stuff and cleaning my room I was going to travel the next the day.

"Do you want me to book a ticket for you" My dad said entering my room and I nodded.

*in the mansion*

"Good morning" Lucas said going to the kitchen.

"Who's washing the dishes today" Marcelo yelled.

"I washed them yesterday and it's pepe's turn" Gareth said.

"No it's your turn again" Pepe said.

"Good morning" Isco said.

"Isco are you okay" James said.

"He just said Good morning he didn't say he's doing drugs" Cris said.

"Guys i wanna say something but where is Sergio" Isco said making them all curious.

"He went for walking"

"Okay so Adelina is heading back to America and she left her job" Isco said.

"What" Keylor said.

"No way" Toni said.

"We must do something" Gareth said.

"And what is it" Luka said.

"Gather them together"

"Gather them together"

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