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Adelina's pov.

"She's being annoying to be honest" Bella said sitting next to me on the bench.

"Yeah I already know" I said.

"What is she sleeps next to him"she said.

"Amma have to kill a bitch" I said in annoyance.

"I have to do something about this" I said.

"Why don't you tease him" She said.

"Not in the mood"

"Than make him jealous"She said.

"Hm and How is that" I said.

"You know Isco is always the easy target" Bella said making me laugh.

"Oh god this is great" I said.

"Listen to me if he wanna make you jealous,you return the favor back am I right" Bella said winking.

"Yeah you're right" I said.

"Are you guys still a thing" Bella said and I shooked my head.

"Not in my knowledge because ever since I removed the ring we didn't become official" I said.

"I see i see now let's go in if you guys ain't a thing you can mess around a bit and everyone knows who Isco loves" Bella said.

"Don't know if he still have feelings but I will try" I said.
"Back" Bella said sitting next to Gareth.

"This ain't a chat" Karim said and Bella rolled her eyes snuggling into Gareth's chest.

"Hey" I said sitting next to Isco.

"Hey Adee" He said and I just smiled ignoring Sergio who was looking at us.

"I miss our days together" Isco said and my heart started beating fast as his hand touched my thigh making goosebumps spread all over my body.
I didn't even react but I saw Bella smiling which made me continue the act.

"Yeah I miss them too" I said.

"Really" He said pulling me closer and I nodded my head.

"Wtf is going on" Cristiano said.

"Hold up is my ship sailing" James said.

"I guess so" Marcelo said.

"Sergio do you wanna sleep now" Pilar said making me roll my eyes and Isco recognized.

"Not now" Sergio said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Do you really missing me or you are using me for Sergio" Isco said leaving my waist.
I felt really bad at this moment I never wanted to use him but I could do anything in this moment to make Sergio mine again.

"I'm so sorry" I said leaning backwards.

"I know how you feel right now it's the same way when you left me for Sergio" He said making my heart shatter into million pieces.

Madrid's mansion→MADRIDSLUT.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang