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2 weeks later...
Adelina's pov.
"Babeee" I yelled from upstairs.

"Hmm"Karim mumbled.

"I am talking to Sergio" I huffed going downstairs to see Sergio on his phone.

"One min" Sergio mouthed gesturing for me to wait and I just nodded sitting on the couch.

"How are things going"Bella whispered to me.

"I really don't know he have been really busy lately" I said.

"Well are you guys still engaged" She said.

"I really don't know" I said.

"Okay okay bye text me tonight" Sergio said smiling through his phone and i just pinched Bella's thigh in anger and She jumped in shock.

"Fuck you" Bella mumbled.

"Who is it" I said.

"Well he was saying hi Pilar so I don't know" Bella said.

"Hello Ladies" Gareth said sitting next to Bella and I just smiled looking back at Sergio.

"Hey babe" Bella said smiling.

"So who are you talking to"I said.

"Just a friend" Sergio said and I just nodded going upstairs.
I went inside the bathroom standing infront of the mirror I don't know what was I doing but I just wanted to stay away from him and his weird attitude lately.

"What's going on Adelina" Sergio said opening the door looking at me in confusion.

"Oh finally you realized there is something going on can't you see how you have been treating me lately we can't even have a chat without you getting a phone call or a text"I said rolling my eyes.

"Is my baby being Jealous" Sergio said smirking.

"No I am not jealous I am just ugh I don't know you never give me enough time like before"I huffed avoiding eye contact with him.

"So you are being jealous" He said closing the door behind him.

"I never said that" I said.

"You know we always have time" He said grabbing my waist and pulling me up to sit on the counter.

"Sex doesn't solve problems Mr.Garcia" I said.

"I know it doesn't but it can work sometimes" He said smiling and I just folded my arms.

"Oh com'on" He said pushing both of my hands backwards.

"Fuck you I don't know why I can't resist you" I said making him smirk.

"I am going to make you feel good" He said and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"What should I wear help me" I said.

"Wear that white dress it looks good" Bella said who was already ready and she was sitting on my bed as i was choosing an outfit to wear for the dinner tonight.

"Okay whatever you say" I said taking the dress and going in the bathroom.

"I will do your makeup" Bella yelled "okayyy".

"Done" Bella said.

"Wow you are good at this"I said.

"Yeah I am a doctor but I am good at makeup too" Bella said proudly and I just pushed her playfully.

"The limo is here" I said as we heard a car beeping.

"Leggoo" Bella said grabbing her purse and I followed her with mine.

So guys i may bring a little of Adelisco back:3

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