Chapter 17: Ride or Die

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Chapter 17: Ride or Die

"Excuse me?" my father asked with a skeptical look on his face.

"Drug dealing." Evan repeated slowly, as if he thought my father was dumb. Why was he telling him? Why was he saying this? I know I was thinking about doing it but I probably would have went with lying at the end of the day! Oh my god, my father was going to kill me. He was so going to kill me. I might as well have stayed in the jail cell for the rest of my life. What was he thinking? Seriously!

"You're trying to tell me that you two are drug dealing?" My father asked, looking at me strangely. I surprised myself by hitting Evan in the back of his head. I smacked him on the back of his head like the brothers of The Three Stooges did to each other. Instantly his hand flew up and began rubbing his head as he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

Before he could speak I said to Evan, "Have you lost your brain cells or something? Are you freaking nuts? You don't just go around blurting out that to someone's parent. That's crazy!"

Evan continued to rub his head as he said, "He needs to know what's going on."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, let's shout to the whole world that two teens are pulled into the crazy life as drug dealers. Great, awesome. What do you want to do next? Make a reality show of our lives?"

He simply stared at me before saying, "That hurt." Evan dropped his hand from his head and leaned back against the wall of the police officer casually, like this was your normal conversation.

"It was supposed to hurt. I hope it knocked your senses back into planet Earth because they were not in your brain when you needed them." I stated, my tone getting very sarcastic.

My father finally jumped in and said, "Katherine, I can't believe after everything I'm trying to do for you, this is how you repay me. I bring you back from your life in Iowa because I knew your mother wasn't stable enough to take care of you. But ever since you've gotten here things have only gotten worse and I will not tolerate this. No daughter of mines will be going out on these streets drug dealing when you should be at home taking care of your responsibilities like school."

I crossed my arms over my chest and said, "I know. I understand and I'm grateful that you did. But I don't know you and you don't know me. You can't just think I'm drug dealing because I'm not the one doing it. Evan's the one actually doing it and I got pulled into it by hanging out with him. I'm not selling drugs, getting money off of drugs, nor am I taking drugs. Hear me out."

I saw my father's shoulder visibly relax. His hand pinched his temple as he closed his eyes tight. He opened them and said, "You've got ten minutes to explain everything that's happen since you've gotten here."

So that's how it started. I slowly explain me at the skating park, how it all started. I left out Jeremy completely and Bridget. I explained what happened in the bathroom, the fight he had heard about, but made sure to make my injuries sound less than they actually was. Then I explained where I was today and how the police had found out. When I was completely done, covering up the truth just a bit, he had his arms crossed and his jaw clenched.

"And you didn't tell me this before, because?" My father insisted, his voice dipped with fire.

I cringed a little from his anger and said, "I didn't know how you'll react. I don't know you. For all I know you could have sent me back to my mother's place or shipped me off somewhere."

"That's seriously what I'm thinking about doing, Katherine. You've pulled yourself into some dangerous things and Evan you've already been pulled way too deep in. You two should know what happens to people who get into these things." He said, glaring between the both of us.

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