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I have 1k reads! OMG! Thank you guys. :')

I guess the lack of votes means i have to try harder in making my story more captivating. By the way, are the chapters too short for you guys?

You can comment if you want longer chapters :)

Here's chapter 11. Enjoy!

A picture of what I imagine Aries to look like ^^
Taken from TRC.

"How sweet." A familar voice said out loud. His tone contradicting his statement.

The tree's life now sung in fear upon hearing the voice.

"Are you getting tired of your boytoy Ying Fa? You should say good bye soon. I'm not very keen when it comes to sharing." The blue-eyed Fai said in a deadly tone.

The wind stopped blowing.

"You are not welcome to this sacred place." Another voice said.

Watanuki came out of the darkness, walking towards the three.

"If I'm not welcome, then how come I was able to come here?" He spat at the shopkeeper.

"Because deep down, she yearns for you. Aries, yearns for you." Sakura whispered sadly.

"Leave now." Watanuki demanded in a hard voice.

"Or what?"

"Or I'll be happy to pierce my sword through your heart." Syaoran offered.

Sakura eyed them all warily.

The green-eyed Fai chuckled before looking Syaoran straight in the eye and said, "I'd like to see you try."

The cherry blossom petals were falling. Syaoran gripped his sword and Watanuki stared at Fai.

"Don't move." Sakura said in a different voice. It was mature and something about it made them immediately turn their focus to her.

The tree pulsed.



And then suddenly Sakura was enveloped by the wind and the cherry blossom petals.

Syaoran was about to take a step towards her but Watanuki told him to stay put.

The petals fell down as soon as the wind stopped. Sakura was surrounded in a pink glow.

"This is futile Sai." Sakura spoke with that voice again. Strong and melodic.

"Sakura?" Syaoran questioned.

"No. That's not her." Watanuki said to him.

The tree pulsed again and with its pulse a spirit form of a long haired woman with a long black and red kimono and golden ornaments on her hair, ears and arms, appeared beside Sakura for a split second.

"Aries... have you missed me darling?" Sai hissed at her his hands in fists and the darkness behind him swirling with his emotions.

"The prophecy is set in stone. The light of this star that you now covet will destroy your darkness."

"Not if I destroy the source of her light first."

"Her light cannot be diminished."

"There is always a way Aries. I found out something very interesting when I was with your vessel in the abyss." Sai said, his eyes surveying Sakura's entire body. "A way to destroy her that I would surely enjoy."

Syaoran stares at him and shouted, "Raite Shourai!"

Lightning flashed towards Sai but a whip of darkness clashed with it that went straight to him. Syaoran swung his sword and shot another lightning which almost hit Sai if he didn't jump away. Sai touched the ground and something moved below towards him. It broke the ground. It was a sluggish dark creature. Syaoran was above its head. The creature shook its head trying to get him off. Syaoran jumped up and the creature opened its mouth and stretched to catch him.

"God of Fire, Ignite!"

Fire spiraled around the creature and it screeched in pain. It burnt to ash as Syaoran fell swiftly down. As the last bit turned to ash, a whip of darkness was in front of him and caught his arm. He looked at Sai who was smirking. Syaoran held on to the whip with his other hand saying, "God of Wind, Purify!"

The dark whip was suddenly turning white and was slowly breaking, Sai cut it off before it neared him. Sai then looked at him in a new light.

"Stop." Watanuki said and both were immobilized.

Unmoving. Unseeing or hearing.

Watanuki started walking towards Sakura.

"Aries, her blood is too pure."

"The prophecy has been foretold. She is the light to stop this darkness and she holds my star. The moon, the sun and the constellations are now one with her."

"She might die Aries." Watanuki whispered

"Just as the darkness must leave this earth, so should my remaining life shopkeeper. The fate of the star is written, is spoken. Now with her blood in my tree, I am her and she is me. The prophecy will be done."

"Sai will surely die but Sakura's survival is in question."

"It is and it is not."

"Her life hangs in the balance with you now in her. Her purity joined your remaining life force with hers. If you leave...."

"It cannot be undone. What is to come is set in stone. Her destined one will determine if her strand of human life will live."

Watanuki nodded. He turned to the two frozen boys and flicked his right hand at the green-eyed Fai now known as Sai. He sent him back to the abyss. He walked to Syaoran and touched his shoulder. Everything was then covered in darkness.


Eriol's POV

"Where are they?" Tomoyo asked him in a whispered voice, she half turned earlier looking for her two friends.

"Sakura sent them in another dimension."

"What? Are they alright?"

Eriol turned to face Tomoyo and stared at her.

"Something happened." Tomoyo immediately said to him.

"The prophecy has been altered."

"Prophecy? What prophecy?"

"We are to leave now."

Doumeki's voice interrupted them.

"Why?" Tomoyo asked.

"The two are in the shop."

"Let's go." Eriol said to her with a reassuring squeeze of her hand. "They won't notice that we're gone."

"Welcome. He is waiting for you."

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