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A random picture of a bloody Syaoran above. This is from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.

By the way, unless said otherwise, all pictures that are in this story is from the net. All credits goes to its artist.

Again, all Card Captor Sakura and xxxHolic characters are owned by Clamp. Other characters in this fiction are made by me. Any resemblance to other stories or animes is simply a coincidence.

Here is the last update until i reach the target.

Enjoy you guys!

I hope you help me with the votes and reads, please share y'all.

XoX Hazelyn Scarlet


Sakura sat on the floor. She looked behind Syaoran's sleeping form, hoping she wouldn't wake him up. She didn't know why but she felt like she had to protect him from this. This made her smile. Syaoran was so bent on protecting her and she was doing her best to protect him.

She faced the front and stacked the Sakura cards in front of her.

Syaoran opened his eyes, observing his girlfriend's movements, wondering why she's being secretive again.

Sakura mixed the cards with her left hand, pull out cards with the same hand, put them back together and divide them into 3 piles.

Using her left hand again, she put them back into one pile in no particular order.

She arranged the top nine cards from the pile to one on top, two below it, three below that and then two and then one.

She closed her eyes and her magic circle appeared.

"Oh cards that hold the power of my star.

Reveal the one who is against my path.

By my power, as your master,

I command you.


She and the cards were enveloped with light.

She flipped the top card to face upright. It was Shield. The cards were telling her that the blue-eyed Fai was something she had to protect herself from.

She then flipped the three cards in the middle. These cards would show the characteristics of the person harming her. The cards were Darkness, Shot and Twin.

She stared at the first two cards of the three. They hinted aggressiveness, evil, the intent to kill. But the third one, what did it mean? Was the blue-eyed Fai a twin of the green-eyed Fai? There was a brother in the vision after all but he sounded younger instead of the same age. If he is a twin, is he a reincarnation of the brother?

She flipped the last card. It showed who the next victim would be. It was The Flower, weirdly enough two petals were under it, one was a plum blossom that was young and new and the other one was dying. It was a-

"Sakura" Syaoran hissed behind her.

Sakura yelped in surprise. "You're awake!" She exclaimed

"Why does it feel like you're hiding the fortune from me?" He asked her with face of hurt and anger.

Sakura sighed as she stack up the cards back together and stood up to put them inside the book, locking them with her key.

"You won't say anything?" Syaoran bit out as he stood up and followed her.

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