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It's finally here you guys!



I hope you guys like it!



Hazelyn Scarlet


Sakura was sitting beside Syaoran in the train with Tomoyo and Eriol in front of them. She was watching the amazing view of the country side that they were passing by before they arrive at the designated town for their trip.

After a while Syaoran asked Eriol if something was bothering him since he hadn't spoken for quite a while. Eriol just gave them all a smile saying,

"We will meet the boy in Sakura's dream. He is similar to you in more ways than one."

"To me?" Syaoran said in confusion. Eriol only nodded as an answer.

Sakura yawned loudly and blushed as the others turned their attention to her.

"Gomen ne. I suddenly feel really tired." She said while rubbing her eye.

"Maybe you should get some rest. It'll be four more hours before we arrive." Tomoyo suggested. Sakura nodded and laid her head on Syaoran's shoulder falling easily into a deep sleep.

"Ying Fa." A voice called out to her in the darkness surrounding her.

"Who's there?" Sakura nervously asked

"You are my other half. We will be one soon."

"Syao? Eriol? Tomoyo?"

Sakura turned around and saw a boy her age standing there.

"Fai-san?" Sakura was shocked to see Fai.

"What are you talking about?"

"We will be one soon Ying Fa." He opened both his arms as if welcoming her. She looked at him closely. His eyes were blue instead of the green eyes that were the same as hers.

"Ying Fa?"

"Mine. You are mine Ying Fa."

Sakura took a step back. And suddenly was enveloped in someone's arms. She turned and came face to face with Fai whose face was inching closer as if to kiss her. Sakura jolted awake.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Syaoran asked alarmed.

Sakura was breathing heavily. She looked around and found that Tomoyo and Eriol fell asleep too. Syaoran touched her hand.

"Sakura? Your hand is cold. Did you have another dream?"

Before Sakura could answer, it was announced that they will be stopping at the station in five minutes and that they were to get ready. Eriol woke up and gently nudged Tomoyo who rubbed her eyes after a few minutes.

"Sakura?" Syaoran persisted. Sakura gave him a forced smile.

"What's wrong you two?" Eriol asked them. Sakura shook head dismissing their questions and stood up, bag clutched with one hand and walked towards their classmates who were lining up to leave.

The class was staying in one of the inns near a historical shrine. Once they got settled they immediately started the exploration. Everyone was paired up with the opposite gender. Sakura and Syaoran were unfortunately separated unlike Eriol and Tomoyo. Sakura felt uncomfortable as she was paired up with Fai.

They were sitting on their respective seats in the bus when Fai asked her, "Sakura-san? Is something the matter?" Sakura shook her head and simply gave him a weak smile.

The first destination was to the famous University of the town where its classes were advertised by the director.

"One of our famous courses is actually about local myths and legends." The director said as the class entered a large room with paintings on the right wall of the door, statues, figurines, artifacts enclosed in glass cases and large bookshelves at the left side of the room filled with rare books in relation to the course.

"Unfortunately, our professor is on leave today as he is gathering data." He continued.

"When will he be back?" Sakura's teacher asked

"Tomorrow, but you don't have to rearrange your schedule for tomorrow. I believe he set a time for you tonight. He is inviting you to stay the night at the famous shrine. His family owns it. He said he talk about the subject to the students over dinner."

The students chattered excitedly.

"It would be interesting to see this shrine don't you think?" Fai asked her with a smile. Sakura gave one back and said "Yes."

As Fai turned his attention to the adults who were leading them out of the room, Sakura stared at him, remembering the dream she had earlier. She couldn't feel any trace of magic from him. Sakura shook her head and followed suit as they were toured more on the campus grounds.

In the afternoon, before leaving, they were walking through the pathway that over looked the students who were practicing early. She saw a girl sitting there with her friends. Her smile was tight and her eyes seemed dim. Sakura noticed a pair of something on her back and stopped walking as she saw that it looked like small wings. The girl seemed to feel her stare as her head turned to her direction. It was as if time stopped.

They were immediately surrounded by darkness. The wings grew a bit more and the girl glared at Sakura. Sakura swallowed and blinked. Everything went back to normal. She immediately turned to walk towards her group who were for sure was already a bit ahead only to bump into someone. She was about to fall to the field when the person pulled her towards him and embraced her. She took a small step back still in that person's arms, "You alright?" She looked up. It was Fai.

She abruptly stepped back only for Fai to hold her tighter as she was till at the edge. He gently pulled her on the safer part of the pathway.

"Thank you." Sakura whispered nervously.

"I suggest you let her go now. You are far behind the group." They heard a voice say.

They looked towards the source to find Syaoran looking at them with a hard gaze. Sakura stepped back and Fai released his hold.

"She was about to fall." He explained. Syaoran was silent for a moment.

"The teacher said to choose partners for the tour at the shrine. We're going to switch." It wasn't a request.

Fai and Syaoran stared at each other before Fai looked at Sakura. "Be careful next time. See you later." He walked towards Syaoran's former partner who was talking to one of their other classmates. Their class was given time to explore the grounds now and was to meet at the gate by three.

Silence fell upon the couple that was left behind.

"He was just helping me." Sakura said looking at Syaoran with a questioning gaze. There was no response from him, instead he held out his hand for her. She put her on top of his only for her to be pulled to him, with his face buried at the nook of her neck, giving her a crushing hug.

The uneasiness that Sakura felt the entire day that she was paired up with Fai vanished as she felt the safety and security Syaoran was giving her.


So?? What do you guys think?

How was it?


I have the rough draft of the chapters but no internet connection and work is hindering me from updating. I will update as soon as I can. Wait for me my loves.

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Love you lots.

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