The Heartless - 2

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Chapter 2

The next day... Well of course it's the next day. It's a Friday. Thank goodness man. Well anyway. Today I wore a Disturbed T-shirt and thick heavy leather jacket, cuz it was cold this morning. Like -23 degrees. And I don't want to get sick. So yea.

Creative writing was the same as yesterday, no incident, no one talked to me much. But I did get to see down Teach's shirt. Damn she has a nice rack. But ya know, my mind was always on that girl. I mean, I have never seen a girl shred like that. That was just amazing. I'm getting horny just thinking about it.

Next is Algebra II. Oh yea! ALGEBRA II! It blows. Majorly. Our teacher is Mr. Crocfac, its like French or something. I call him Cockface. We don't like each other.

"Now class, I want each of you to stand up and state your name for Mr. DeCuso over here, because we didn't do that yesterday because of the test."

My name is blah blah blah... But however someone interesting came up.

"Name's Marcus Reynolds. I hear you hate Sarah Palin... I do too." The boy said. He has brown hair, kinda like my own, but has green eyes, mine are brown. He stood at about, 5'6', and was wearing a Shadows Fall t-shirt. I like this guy already.

Then another surprise. It was the girl. "My name is Natalie Yeager, I hate you fag." Wow. That was a little harsh. But damn that girl turns me on. Like, majorly. The class laughs, but I just look at her saying, " I love you too sweetheart." She gives me an evil look and sits back down. Damn that look was sexy. Damn I am so turned on.

So ya know, we do basic algebra stuff. So I go into robot mode again. You wanna know why I said sophomore year is the second worse. Cause they all pile on the shit then. Freshman year is easy, no work or nothing. However, Senior year sucks cause they are all on you, telling you to pick your college and have good grades. That's why junior year is the best. No worries. You can lay it all off until senior year.

Yada yada yada... the day went on, nothing interesting in World Civs or Art... But then in lunch something else happened. I had just about every class with Marcus, save creative writing and woodshop, and we kinda became friends. So in lunch he invited me to the table of hardcore rockers. I was greeted like an old friend.

"DUDE! I heard you said Sarah Palin can go fuck herself in Ms. Wilson's class. Is it true?" a guy named Robby Burney asked.

"Yeah I did, I hate that bitch. She is pretty stupid." I comment sitting down. But then I see Natalie. Oh my god Natalie. Sitting alone. Damn. So freaking average she is hot.

"Dude, you like Natalie don't you?" asked Marcus.

"Marcus, dude, she can shred the guitar my friend, probably as good as me, but damn can she shred." I say looking at her.

"Yea, but she is so antisocial, she hasn't had a friend since freshman year" A guy named Jonathan Boyle commented.

"So..." I contemplate getting slapped, or just eating here with my new friends. I wanna get slapped. I stand up and get my tray, which consists of a chicken patty and fries. Hey, at least Alaska has some good food.

"Dude, you are gonna get rejected." Robby said laughing.

"I don't care man, I just wanna know why she hates me" I say heading over to her table.

Let me tell you right now, I wasn't going over there to win her heart. Oh no. I was going over there to make her mad. To get her to hit me. I do love those violent girls. Yea I'm a freak. Deal with it.

I sit down across from her, "Sup Natalie." The lunchroom gets quiet. Apparently they know I am about to get slapped. How nice. I get an audience.

"Go away faggot." She said eating her French fries.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause I hate you, that's why" she replys.

Come on, what have I done to her? I'll ask, "What the hell did I ever do to you? I mean yea the thing in algebra was kinda stupid, but what the hell?"

"Go away" she replied not looking at me.

I was about to take a gamble. Which is pretty bad, cause this is pretty damn stupid if you ask me. I might get kicked in the balls for this. I stand up and walk over to her.

"What do you want fag?" she says looking up to me with an obvious disgust in her eyes.

I lean over and look her in the eyes and whisper, "You look freaking hot when you play guitar, now let me see you play it in your undies!"

And bang. Right in the balls. I toldja. Right in the loins, in the groin, the sack, the pack. I clutch them, fall into the seat next to her, and say, "damn you have some nice strong legs... You're a good looking gal... but why are you such a bitch?"

Boom! Slap! Yes, the sting. It hurts so good. But the lower extremities do not. I clutch them, and fall on the ground, trying everything to stop my breakfast from coming up. She skyrockets out of the room.

Marcus ran up to me laughing, "Dude that was hilarious, what the hell did you say to her?"

"I asked her if I could see her play guitar in her undies... Oh my gosh... dude my balls are killing me, dude, help to the office."

So I go to the office, call my mom, she comes and picks me up. I told them I didn't feel to well, and artfully threw up on the office desk. Yes, there is an art to puking; you have to do it at the right time. Like, when they ask you what is wrong. Hahahaha. I'm a freak. Deal with it.

On the way home, I think. I wonder why I am doing these things. Maybe its because I miss my girlfriend. I was such a sweet guy. That's what she always said to me. But now, I am just being an ass. Maybe it's the name, maybe DeCuso is just too badass for me to stay my old self. I can tell something has happened to her, something that makes her not wanna have a relationship with anyone. I am going to find out why. So, I am gonna do a Sherlock Holmes. Time to go detective.

When I get home, I call up Marcus, getting every bit of information I can about her. Where she lives... um that's pretty much all I got. Hahahahahahaha. Kinda pathetic. But I don't care. I want to know.

At 10p.m. I lay down in my bed listening to the Foo Fighters. The song Everlong comes on, and I instantly think about Jessica. My girlfriend I had to leave behind. I sang that too her before I asked her out. I think about the times we cuddled.

You may not know it, but I would rather cuddle than have sex. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay or anything, but cuddling, is just so sincere, when sex usually isn't. My mind travels to Natalie, and I realize, that maybe all she needs is some to cuddle her and lover her like no one ever has? I realize, for the first time since the beginning of this whole incident, I feel like actually want to know her, and Marcus. Damnit, Alaska is already destroying me. Whatever, Imma get some sleep now.

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