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Janet walks back to the spot where she had her last rap battle. Nash had posted that he'd be there again, going against someone called 'Big Dick.' Janet hadn't told him she'd be back.

She walks to the circle, once again in her baggy jeans and a hoody, with rhe hoody up hiding her face. Just as she reaches the front, the battle finishes. She tells because of the loud, "OH!" Everyone makes.

Nash laughs with the others who sided with him and daps. A blonde girl walks up to Nash as he celebrates, Janet watches with a raised eyebrow as she puts a hand on his chest. Nash shakes his head and takes her hand off his chest, saying something that makes her frown. She pouts, but Nash continues to hesitate with a glare.

Janet feels herself smile. So he has being loyal...

"Aight! Who's ready to go against the Hot Ash!" The announcer yells, looking around.

Janet says nothing as she steps into the circle.

Nash smirks as he rubs his hands, now ignoring the blonde. "You wanna get beat, punk?" He dares, making everyone watch in awe.

Janet pulls off her hoody and shakes out her curly hair, letting it lay down her shoulders. Someone whistles as Nash's jaw drops. "Janet?"

"Its Lil Janny," Janet says, tossing her hoody to the announcer. "We doin' this or nah?"

Nash smirks as he steps closer to her, eyeing her body up and down. "Definitely."

Someone makes a beat.

"Girl you got guts wantin' to beat me. Last I checked, erryone here wanted to be me," Nick says. "Put that hoody back on and walk away. You really wanna get embarrassed today?"

Janet quickly comes up with comeback. "Nigga last I checked, I beat yo ass last time. Throw that ego away, you know I'll win again. If you do? Then we ain't gon be friends."

Nash playfully raises an eyebrow. "Naw girl. You ma bae. Don't tell me you're afraid."


Ten years later...

The African American woman struts down the runway, dramatically moving one leg before the other. She wears a long dark gown that's tight around her upper body, hugging every part. The lower part of the dress is loose and sways around her ankles as she takes her wide steps. Once she reaches the end of the catwalk, she poses for just a moment, whipping her natural curls of dark hair before turning on her heel and walking back the way she came, passing the following model.

Once she walks behind the curtain again, a woman rushes to her carrying a make up bag. She quickens as she adds some blush to the model's cheeks. "That was amazing, Miss Freeman. You were gorgeous."

The model laughs, her curls shaking again. "Martha, I've told you a million times already, just call me--"


Trisha whips her head towards the fashionista who arranges her every outfit. "Less chat! More walk!" He rushes to her carrying another designer dress. "Go go go!

Trisha nods before rushing into the changing room. She checks her watch on the dresser. "I'll still have enough time."


The Shadow's replacement watches her walk down the catwalk from the footage room, twirling a ring in his hand.

He thought she was beautiful, and he wished he had taken her when he could, but Nick respected her relationship. She had feelings for someone else, he understood that, and he respected it.

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