The "Boondock" Kids

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Trisha couldn't believe it. She was furious. They had taken her own brother, her only brother, her own flesh and blood. They all sit down on the squeaky leather chairs in the hospital's waiting room. Trisha bites her nail, staring at the tiled floor still dressed in her orange jumpsuit. People cast weird looks at her, but quickly look away when Tyrone and Janet match their looks with their own glares.

Huey, Riley and Caesar loiter around the entrance. Huey every now and then glances past the transparent glass to take peeks at his daughter. He had called Jazmine, she was relieved. Now all he had to do was find Nakeem, which was harder. He had no leads, the only way he knew he'd track him was with the phone, tracing the phone he had called from. He just didn't know how.


"The Freemans?" A nurse calls as she walks into the room.

Trisha stands up alone.

"You can see him now."

Tyrone and Janet stand up. "Um. Can I go alone?" Trisha asks quietly.

Tyrone presses his lips together, but Janet nods. "Sho girl. We'll be ova here."

Trisha forces a small smile before following the nurse to Nick's room. She leaves them. He wasn't in any critical damage, he had just lost a lot blood from that gun shot. He sits on the bed with his legs swung over one side. He still wears his black jeans, except he's topless, a fresh large bandage covers his wound.

Trisha refrains herself from admiring his toned torso. "You feeling okay?" she asks hugging herself, keeping her eyes locked with his.

Nick half smiles. "A little drowsy from that pain killer, but yeah, I'm alright."

"That's good..." Trisha frowns when she sees two dark spots on his skin. "What's that?"


"That. On your shoulder."

Nick makes an "Oh" as he turns his head, looking at the two black spots on his shoulder. "This is like...the agency's logo, or something."


"These spots are how we identify our agents, on the shoulder."

"Oh, but Ashley doesn't have that..."

"Ashleys still fresh meat there...Trisha."


Why did you come back?"


"I told you to go, Trisha. You could've gotten hurt, maybe even worse..." he mumbles the last part as he rubs his shoulder.

"I wasn't about to let you die, Nick," Trisha says sternly. "You risked your life for me...thank you."

"No worries..."

"So...what now?"

Nick sighs, shrugging his good shoulder. "I dunno. Go where the wind takes me."

"Stop sounding cliché and answer the question. I'm not leaving you here...he's definitely after you now."

Nick half smirks. "I've got half the brain he does. I'll I'm pretty good at hiding. Maybe go to Mexico..."

"We are in Mexico, idiot."

"Oh. Then I'll go to Brazil or something." He shrugs again. "I'll make a plan. I always do..."

Trisha chuckles "With your cocky attitude? I ain't surprised." She frowns and takes a deep breath. "Nick. What do you know about my brother's whereabouts?"

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