The "Boondock" Kids

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"Okay. Lights out." The one light in every cell turns off after the guard uses a switch.

In the dark, Jazmine doesn't sleep. Instead he sits in the corner hugging herself, thinking of any possible way to escape.

What would Huey do...?


"Okay, by this time, the prisoners should be falling asleep," Nick says as the group follows him in the dark, smelly tunnel. "If we walk--"

"Ew ew ew ew!" Janet screeches suddenly, earning weird looks from the rest of the group. "I just saw yellow shit! Yellow. Shit! Ewww somebody betta get me outta here!"

"Janet!" Everyone whispers fiercely.

She glares at all of them. "Hell naw! You can't not be seeing this shit I'm seeing! And when I say shit, I mean it literally!"

"Janet Anita Freeman you better get a fucking grip before I make you, and believe me when I say you won't like it!" Trisha snaps. "The one time you act girly!"

Janet's eyebrows shoot up. "Bitch--"

"As I was saying," Nick hisses, catching everyone's attention again. "If we walk straight ahead and turn left, they'll be a gate, metal bars," he says. "Not only that, but two guards will be there too, carrying fully loaded caliber pistols. And not only that, but above the gate, they'll be two cameras."

Everyone looks at him. "So...exactly how in the hell do you expect us to pass through without alerting the Shadow??" Tyrone hisses.

"Relax, I know this place inside and out," Nick assures him. "In the footage room there two geeks who look at the cameras from time to time. Every twenty minutes, to be exact. By the time they aren't looking? We'll have twenty minutes to knock these dudes out, and steal the pass key to the gate, and maybe if were lucky, to every other room in the agency."

"How do you know when they'll stop looking?"

Nick sighs. "I just know okay? I'm too used to the routine, I have watched since I was ten."

"What if the people watching the footage hear us and check again?" Trisha asks.

"They won't. There's no sound. Does everyone know their part in the plan?"

Trisha nods. "We got it. After passing the gate, you sneak to the footage room with Dominic. Janet, Tyrone and I will get to the cells after stealing the keys from the guard patrolling with Christiano as our cover. Miguel and Damien will keep watch here at the gate just incase there's called back up."

Nick grins at her. "Smart. Nick likey."

Trisha rolls her eyes.

Nick glances at his watch. "Were due in five minutes. Is everyone ready? There's no going back after this...we might go in there and never come back out. Some of us might even have some...casualties."

Everyone stays silent.

"Thank you for risking yourself, Nick," Trisha says. "Seeing that you're even going against your own blood to do this for us."

Nick shrugs and looks back at his watch. "Three minutes."


"How do you think they made it to Washington so quickly though?" Nakeem asks Huey. He hadn't left Huey's side the whole ride to the airport. Right now he walks with Huey to the nearest snack bar.

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