The 'Boondocks' Kids

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"So ya'll can sleep here..." Aunt Cookie says as she shows Huey and Jazmine to their room after showing the others. Its a pretty big house. Upstairs there's one bathroom and three bedrooms. One for Aunt Cookie, one that belonged to the kids that lived there before and one which was a guest room. Aunt Cookie insisted that they take her room and she'd go bunk with a neighbour. Huey and Jazmine take her room, Riley and Cindy take the guest room and Robert and Ashley take the (used to be) kids' room.

Caesar and Tyrone stay in a hotel not too far away and the other teens stay in the comfy basement with two long couches and an old mini television.

"Ah! Smells like home!" Jazmine laughs happily as she falls back on the queen bed and sighs.

"Yep... " Huey places the suitcases in the corner before laying down on his bed next to her. "Sure does."

"Isn't it wonderful?" Jazmine turns on her side by her elbow to face him. "Just being together like this again..."

"I guess."

Jazmine frowns. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Okay I know your upset about me dragging you out here...but..."


"Look at the bright side. Were all alone..." She smirks and traces circles on his chest. "I think you get the idea."

Huey presses his lips together for a moment and sighs. "Not in my Aunt's room."

"Then maybe we can check into a hotel, go out for dinner...don't even let those kids get to you." Jazmine smiles. "It'll be just me and you. Just like before."

Huey chuckles. "I'm game then. Pretending that we have no kids works for me..."


"Where the soap at?"

"Soap? What soap?"

"Nigga befo we left I told you to pack some soap!"

"Man we got soap here!"

Cindy glares at her boyfriend as she closes her suitcase and throws it down. She crawls onto the bed in her white tank top and pajama shorts. "The soap here used, Riley."

"Soap is soap, Cindy!" Riley pulls his top on. The two gansters maybe matured from their teen ages, but either way they still spoke the same way and argued about the same bullshit. Cindy dressed like a lady from time to time, and her hair, never braided anymore, reaching her big rear end.

"Reezy, this soap is used and dirty."

"Soap. Is. Soap. Damn bitch ain't you tired? Sleep."

Cindy rolls her eyes and climbs under the duvet. She pulls it over her head, making Riley sigh. "C'mon baby. I'm sorry..." Riley crawls onto the bed next to her and shakes her shoulder a bit. "Baby."


"Ooh you givin me the silent treatment again?"

Cindy sits up and pulls the cover down just to glare at him, then reaches for her phone on the nightstand and begins to text.

"You doin me like this, Cin?"

She keeps typing, eyes on the screen.

"Cindy if you don't talk to me imma make you. In!" Riley launches at her and tickles her sides.

Not able to keep a straight face anymore, she bursts into laughter as he tickles her. "R-Ri-l-ley! Stop!"

"Oh so now you talkin?!"


Riley stops, leaving her breathless. He smiles as he lies down and kisses her on the cheek. "Love you, bae."

She glares at him through her tears. "F...Fuck you..."


"So how come you ain't datin Nate no more?" Janet asks as she texts. "You guys were so cute." Raised by Riley and Cindy, little Janet spoke like them, but really she chose her use of speech.

"Pops 'band' her," Nakeem answers with a chuckle.

Trisha rolls her eyes. "Yeah. That."

"Hey guys!" Footsteps echo in the stairway and Trisha feels herself turn pink when Tyrone comes down with a bag. "I asked my dad and he said I could stay with ya'll."

"That's great dude!" Nakeem says. "The girls took the couches so were on the floor."

Tyrone shrugs. "I'll live." He tosses his bag in the corner.

"Hey, T. How come we never see you guys?" Janet asks putting down her phone to talk to her family. "I mean seriously. Where's your mum?"

"She had to stay back in Brooklyn, who else was gonna watch the house?" He shrugs. "And its expensive to be travelling back and forth so we come on occasions like...well, like this."

"I really wish ya'll could visit more often." Janet yawns.

"Don't sleep yet! Let's do something!" Nakeem says standing up and walking to his bag.

"Like what you idiot?" Trisha asks.

Her brother glares at her and ignores her as he pulls out his laptop. "What about a movie?"

"I'm game." Tyrone sits up against the couch Trisha's on as Nakeem places the laptop in a spot where everyone can see.

"Ya'll seen the purge? You'll love it." He opens his videos.

"I think I'll sit here..." Trisha slides down next to Tyrone. "Better view!" She smiles nervously.

Janet moves to the couch they're behind as Nakeem sits down next to her. The pictures come into motion.


The purge is quite a long movie. They had started watching around eleven and its twelve now. Nakeem is already asleep, bored since he had already watched the movie. His head is hung over the arm rest and although his mouth is opened he snores quietly. Janet, been the oldest adult in the room (17) is still up watching the movie, her chin rested on her palm; dull written all over her face showing how unfazed she is by the 'scary' movie. Tyrone stays awake too, watching. He glances over at Trisha who has her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed and smiles weakly due to his fatigue. He rubs his eyes before resting his head on her soft pillow of curls and falls asleep.


In the morning Tyrone wakes up to snickering and eyes widen when he sees Nakeem and Janet towering ovee him, a phone in Nakeem's phone.

"Hehe Nates gonna hate this..."

"Seriously dude?" Tyrone says then looks over to see that Trisha's still sleeping.

"Uh. Yeah." Janet giggles, her curly bed hair all over the place.

"Whatever." He shakes Trisha gently. "Trish."

She moans quietly before looking up and blinking multiple times. She sees Nakeem and Janet with the phone and makes a confused look. "What's happening?"

"These two took a picture of us in our sleep and probably are gonna post it."


"Yup." Nakeem nods. "Annnnd...sent."

"Nakeem you dick!" Trisha yells.

"Hey, chill," Tyrone cooes. "Its not like were in any relationships so I'll let this one slide." Tyrone looks up at Janet. "How could you little Janny?"

"Its big jackass now," Janet smirks.


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