The "Boondock" Kids

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The three make their way to the bar after swerving past tight dancers in the crowd. They all sit down on stools as the female bartender approaches. "Heya, handsome. What'll you have?" she asks Caesar, at the same time wiping a glass.

"Um...just a shot," he says uncertaintly.

"And your friends?"

"Nothing thanks," Huey says before pulling out his phone.

"Baby gimme a beer," Riley says. She nods before walking away to get their drinks. "Man this place is off the hook!"

"...a little too...naked for my taste," Caesar stays eyeing the female dancers in female clothing.

Whilst the two make conversation, Huey texts his wife.

Huey: Did u find a hotel?

Jazmine: Yep! But we should go tomorrow night

Huey: What happened to leaving 2night?

Jazmine: Cookie planned a family lunch 2morrow and I have to help her cook

Huey: Alright

Jazmine: All good things come 2 those who wait {Wink emoji}

Huey puts his phone away just as the bartender arrives. "Changed my mind. I'll have a shot, too."


Nakeem sits down on the couch in the living room next to a small table with a telephone on it, in his hand, the torn piece of paper with dry ink.

You can do it man...come on...she's another being just like you, except female. You can do this.

She's one of your game buddies...she's one of your game buddies...yeah! She's one of your game buddies!

Nakeem dialls the phone number and it rings, its not until the ringing stops that he feels his chest tighten.

"Hola? Who's this?"

"......" Say something!

".....I can hear you breathing."

".....its me."

"Nakeem? Hey!"

"Hi!" Suddenly that feeling of regret disappears.

"So...what's up?"

Oh she's doing this on purpose.

" free tomorrow?"

"Si....por que?"

Yep. She's definitely doing this on purpose.

Nakeem didn't struggling with translating her words, online gaming can have its advantages. Playing against and with people all over the world, you could say he understood half of every language really.

"Because....I wanted to ask if..."

She laughs. "How about the arcade?"


"Cool, meet me there around one thirty. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you. Bye."


Nakeem doesn't hear the beep and smirks. "Hang up."

"No, you hang up."

"No, you hang up."

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