Chapter 22

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Oh my flamin truck, nearly 1k reads...?!?! THIS IS MADNESS! Thank you all so much!! Also, I hope you're enjoying the book (I know my writing skills were quite horrifying in the first few chapters (they still are) but this is my first book...) but got any comments???

1) What are your favourite hobbies?? ~~~I make/play music in my spare time (I play drums, guitar, piano) and I ride motorbikes. Kawasaki for dayzz *cries* that was terrible~~~

2) What colour is your hair? ~~~mine is brown with a natural light brown ombré, but it's currently a temporary purple coz why the fuck not~~~

3) Are you driving yet? ~~~yup. Everyone calls me a 'leadfoot', whatever tf that is... But srsly, who doesn't like playing bumper cars on the freeway and going 100km/h around a tight bend~~~

Ok, onwards with the story!!! (A bit of Andy's POV and we get Shadows POV too, but that's mostly for fun...)

Candice fell asleep in his arms as the credits to Batman started rolling. He was so relieved when she said she didn't hate him after all he told her. What he went through shouldn't be retold. Hell, he haven't even mentioned any of that to the boys yet, no matter how many times they ask. I wonder why I told Candice with barley any hesitation? He muttered in his thoughts.

He started to unconsciously stroke her hair when Shadow flew above his head and landed on top of the flat screen TV. "Hey Shadow." He cooed. He'll never admit it to Candice, but he thought Shadow was actually a really cool bird.

The crow cawed softly in response and started preening his glossy black feathers. Andy looked at the time- 6am. I wonder what'll happen today-?

His thoughts were cut off by the sound of murmured voices outside the front door. He tensed up and stopped breathing to hear better. He heard nothing. He sighed; maybe it was just his imagination.

He heard footsteps from outside and jumped, but not from what he heard. He jumped from shock of how Shadow reacted to the noises. He... growled. Not like those barley inaudible squawks birds sometimes make, no, he growled... like a vicious Rottweiler or an enraged bear... a combination of both.

Before Andy could question it any further, the front door burst open. "Rise and shine, motherfuckers!"   

Andy groaned. He'd recognise that unfortunate voice anywhere. "Go away Ashley."

"What's going on? Who's there?" A small, confused voice asked. Andy looked to see Candice waking up in his arms.

He smiled at her. "Morning gorgeous." He clamped his mouth shut and blushed, wanting to dig a hole and die in it after what he just said. You idiot, Andy! Just because you like her, doesn't mean she likes you back! My brain needs servicing. Trying to recover from his previous sentence, he said, "Ashley just broke into the house and started screaming. That's probably what woke you up. Nothing to worry about."

She barley croaked out an "oh" as she started to get up, but was blocked off by another body standing in her way. "What do we have here?" Ashley asked with a hint of playfulness lining his voice. Oh-no...

"N-nothing." Andy stammered. Good job Andy, that totally sounded believable. He wanted to smack his head against the coffee table then and there.

"Really? Then explain why I found you two snuggled up together like hug buddies? If you catch my drift..."

Andy groaned. He's having this conversation with the most perverted person he knows. This is going to be humiliating. "We were watching Batman and she sorta fell asleep like this. I didn't want to move her because she needed her sleep." He half-lied. Wow, that sounded so believable Andy, great job...

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