Blood everywhere

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I'm going to school today but Jason is staying home because he is sick. He has a sinus infection actually. Its been a week since his old parents called and tomorrow is the dance.
We are all supposed to wear a pink, white, or red dress and guys a tux with a red, white, or pink tie. I told the principal I'm not wearing those colors and I will wear black. After my mom yelled at him for not telling me yes, he said I could wear black. She could take his job if she wanted.

"I'll see you after school ok?" Jason said blowing his nose. I nodded and hugged him then went to my car. I drove to school and Charlie called. I realized he wasn't there. "Hey baby, I'm sorry I have a major headache and I can't stand without being dizzy. I'm coming tomorrow though, and we are going to the dance," he said in a lazy voice. "Its fine. And to be honest, I really don't care if we go or not. But I have to go. I love you, bye," I said then hung up.

Social class is different. I used to sit alone and by myself. But now I have Jacob on my left, and his girlfriend (my girl best friend) on my right. "Jane," I whispered to her. She looked at me. "Did he ask you to the dance?"
She nodded with a smile and continued taking notes. I won't be alone there at least. I mean, Jason and Alex are going but I want other people there. Britney sits behind me and everyday she whispers stuff about me. I could care less.

Its now my free period and I decide to jut walk around the halls. There is art on a lot of the walls and even though I have seen all of it, they still interest me. I turned the corner looking at this octopus someone painted last year, and I saw Britney and Courtney. I just ignored them, I wasn't gonna start fights or anything. As I was walking past them, Courtney tripped me. I'm done with these idiots.
"What do you want?" I asked getting up with an attitude. "To make you pay for having our boyfriends break up with us," Britney said. " I didn't have anyone break up with you. If you guys weren't witches people would like you," I said getting angry. "You had my boyfriend break up with me because I treat you like dirt," Courtney said. "You're just mad because you needed someone to show off to everyone else. And he didn't even like you, he was just with you because your father is the principal and he didn't want to get suspended," I shouted at her.
"That's it. I'm DONE with you, Ana. Britney, get the back."
Britney walked to the back of me and grabbed my arms, holding them behind me. "Let go of me! I'll tell your father Courtney, I swear I will!" I shouted at her struggling to get away. Britney takes wrestling classes, she is pretty strong. She nearly carried me to the janitors closet and Courtney shut the door behind her. Britney threw me toward the wall and Courtney turned on the light. It was an old closet, no one uses this anymore. "I'm gonna have fun watching you struggle," Courtney chuckled.

Britney walked over and grabbed my shirt. I wasn't gonna fight back, there is no way I could and besides, how could I? She punched me easily in the face 3 times. Thank goodness not my nose, it was already messed up before. She pushed me to the ground and started punched me everywhere and Courtney walked over and started kicking me. It hurt, this hurt, it was painful, I can't take it. I started to scream and Courtney put her hand over my mouth and held it. I can't do anything now, they will either kill me or put me one inch away from death.

I was just getting beat up, kicked, punched, slapped. I had blood coming out of my mouth and nose. I was starting to get bruises and cuts everywhere. Britney pulled up my sleeve's, revealing my cuts. My shirt was up a little to and she saw those. "Courtney, look at this," she said holding up my arm and pulling up my shirt. "Perfect," Courtney said. She walked over to a shelf and grabbed a box cutter. I started struggling but she held me down. "This shouldn't hurt, since you do it," Britney said. Courtney walked over and put the blade on my wrist. She cut them open 3 times on both wrist. I screamed each time, but had my mouth closed up because Britney's hand. She cut my stomach 2 times and I cried.
"We can let her go now," Britney said. "You deserved that," Courtney said. They fixed themselves and left. I lay there motionless, not caring, just crying. My whole body hurt. Blood was everywhere and I couldn't breathe. I got my phone out and called Jason.

"Hey, what's up?" he said. I just kept crying in the phone. "I'm on my way, go to the principal, I'll be right there," he said. "Bring the ambulance," I said stuttering and crying. "What?! Why?! I'm going to get whoever did this Ana, I love you," he said. "I-i love you t-too," I said. He hung up and I struggled to stand up. I think she broke a rib. I fell and crawled to the door and opened it. I fell out and no one was there. It was 3:02, they all must be gone by now. We got out at 2:30 today because they needed to start preparing for the dance. I was in here for an hour. An hour getting beat up.

I was halfway down the hall from crawling and blood following behind me, when I heard someone shout "OH MY GOD!" from down the hall. I snapped my head back and saw Jacob. "Ana!" he yelled and ran to me and sat me up. "I'm gonna help you, its ok," he said starting to cry.

And I started crying again.

***Hey! This one is a little longer only because I wanted a long chapter and wanted to give you something long to read. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you, bye!***

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