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***This picture is not mine, I'm just using it for the hairstyle! This is what Ana's hair looks like after she got it done! ONLY the hair, nothing else is suppose to be her, Thank you, Enjoy the story!!***

Its Saturday so me and Jason decided to hang out and I told Jason I wanted to introduce him to someone.
I wore a black tank top and over it a white sweater with black leggings, my new matte black bracelets and I grabbed my black cross body purse. I dyed my hair last night with the dye and trimmed my hair.
So now I have hair as long as the bottom of my ribs and its pitch black. Charlie hasn't seen it yet, I wonder what he will think.

Jason said he wanted to drive so I let him. I still have a bandage on my face but my lip is healed. "So who are we meeting? All you told me was that person is dear to you and our parents love that person and I would like that person," he said looking from me to the road. I fished putting a small bandaid on my nose and looked at him. "We are going to meet my boyfriend, Charlie," I said while getting my eye liner out. "Your boyfriend? Please tell me he isn't like rude to you or something because I'll hurt him. And does he have any style I like? As in DC or black?"

I finished up my liner and started putting mascara on. "Yes boyfriend, no he isn't rude or anything, and yes he wears DCs, he loves them and he wears black hoodies or pants often," I said while putting my mascara back in my bag.

We arrived and we met at a shoe store. I ran up and hugged Charlie then kissed him for the first time since before my lip. Man oh man did I  miss it. Jason walked up behind me and put an arm on my shoulder casually. "Who's this?" Charlie asked holding my hand. "Chill, babe. This is Jason, my new older brother," I said smiling. Charlie laughed for a second then looked at me. "Like a school older brother? You just call a student bro?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at Charlie.

"Babe, this is my actual new brother. My parents adopted him the other day and he came yesterday. He is my new brother," I said wrapping one arm around Jason. Jason smiled and nodded to Charlie.
"This is awesome! Good for you man, I will have a cool guy to hang out with if my beautiful girlfriend isn't around," Charlie said excited. You can see him planning things in his eyes.
"Why did you say 'a cool guy to hang out with' like you have no cool friends?" Jason asked. He shrugged.
"Well let's go shopping because I can't wait to get more stuff and I'm getting my hair done at 4 so let's do this," I said.

"Yes, by the way I saw it, just didn't say anything, your hair looks beautiful, baby," Charlie said kissing my cheek. I winked at him and we all started walking around buying things, eating, and having fun.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted and me and Jason had a whole back of his truck filled with stuff we bought. It was 6 when we got him and we told mom and dad that they could go out on a date night to relieve stress from their busy working lives. We said goodbye to them and looked at our living room full of stuff we bought. We turned and looked at each other and smiled. We are gonna have to much fun.

We ordered dinner from a pizza place and watched 2 horror movies and then we went to our rooms to put all our amazing stuff away. I got new body soaps and lotions and I got a whole bunch of hoodies, t-shirts,leggings and skinny jeans. I also got 5 pairs of awesome DC shoes. I got weird stuff from weird stores and I got huge art boards for my easel. I also got tons more art supplies and I had 2 small little boxes that was 2 inches wide and long.

I went in Jason's room and saw he put up a lot of band posters, filled his closet and bathroom, and was just enjoying it. I looked at him with the boxes.
"What is this?" I asked. He looked at the one in my right hand and pointed to it. "I got that for you and slipped it in a small bag so you would get it. I hope you like it." I put the other box down and opened that one. He got me a single diamond, matte black bracelet.
It was beautiful, I loved it. I hugged him and put it on. "I love this, its awesome, thank you. Why did you get this?" He pat my back and smiled. "Its for accepting me in the family. Thank you," he said while sitting on his bed. I said your welcome and picked up the other box. "What is this one?" I asked. He looked at it then shrugged. "I have no idea."

I looked at the bottom of the box and it said, 'from Charlie, to Ana, I love you' with a heart. I looked at Jason and smiled. He chuckled and asked what. "Its from Charlie," I said. He looked at the box and waited for me to open it. I opened it and saw the most beautiful thing ever.

I moved my bangs away from my face. He got me a silver band, black diamond ring. A promise ring. I started tearing up. He looked at it and smiled. "That's nice." I picked it up and put it on.

It fit perfect.

**Hey! I hope you guys like it, I'll try putting up another tomorrow, I'm working hard on these. Please vote and thank you, bye! :)**

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