First happy, then stung

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I was desperate. I had to do it because it was killing me. Not being able to feel that sudden rush of pain or warm blood. I jumped up and ran in my bathroom. I picked up my razor and stared at my wrist and thighs. I didn't know where to put it. I lift up my shirt and then took it off. I found my new place.

I'm the morning I woke up and my stomach hurt. I forgot that I had cut last night. I saw dry blood all over my sheets and my skin. I went in my bathroom and took a wet washcloth and cleaned the area. I didn't have time to shower. It was 7 and he was coming at 7:15. I put on a Batman muscle shirt with black leggings and black converse with yellow at the toes and bottom edges. I put on my black sweater unzipped and brushed my long hair. I quickly put on some liquid eyeliner and mascara then a yellow Batman ring with my matte bracelet. I checked my phone for the time. 7:15, he is probably outside. I called him up and asked him. "Are you here? Because I just need to grab my book bag then I'm ready." "Yeah I'm out front, I was gonna call you and tell you, I'll see you out here." I said ok and hung up. I then ran and grabbed my book bag and my keys and went out the door.

"You look great today," he said with a smile looking at me. "Thanks, I didn't try, just saw my Batman shirt and automatically thought of it," I said while laughing. He chuckled and kept driving. "Oh guess what?" I said. He glanced at me and shrugged. "What?" I bit my lip then smiled. "I'm getting my drivers license after school today," I said while bouncing. "Really? That's amazing!" he said.
" I know, I can't wait to drive you to school" I said while lightly nudging his shoulder.
We laughed then turned on the radio. We heard Victorious by Panic! at the Disco come on and began singing it.

"Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us!" we sang loudly and off key while pulling up to a parking spot. The song ended and we got out of the car. We looked at each other while walking to the building and laughed.

"Ana, I want to ask you a question. I have wanted to ask you this for a while. I was worried what you would say if i asked yesterday or a week ago or a month ago. I really like you. I love you and I want to help you. So I'm asking, will you go out with me?"

I smiled and took his hands then pulled him against me and kissed him. People walked by and stopped and pointed and whispered. They can't wait for gossip. "Yes. I will," I said while letting go of his hands. He hugged me and smiled. "I can't wait to tell Derek!" he jumped up and ran to his side of the building. I chuckled and walked to my side. I love him.

By 3rd period, I'm sure the whole school who knew us, knew we were now dating. My friend, Queen, when finding out, ran up and hugged me while smiling so hard I thought her cheeks would rip. Its 11th period, my free period and I went to the bathroom. I had to check my eyeliner, I had to see if it had dripped down from having almost crying because of laughing so hard today. I went in and saw Britney and Courtney.
Great, just what I wanted. I looked in the mirror and to my surprise, nothing dripped. Still looked good and intact. I fixed my sweater and turned to leave. Until the witch had to say something. She had to say something. "So, you're dating that cute thing now? You should be ashamed. He deserves better than that. You should've said no, he is way to good for you," Britney said with the most snotty attitude I have ever heard.

"You know what, Britney? Shut up, you have a boyfriend, you shouldn't care about mine and try to ruin us, just shut up," I almost yelled that.

She got pretty ticked off that I said something back to her. She walked over and punched me right in the mouth. It stung but I didn't care. She landed another one to my nose. My lip and nose started bleeding. I never put a finger on her. She will get in trouble, not me.

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