Schools start

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We got to the school which was a 20 minute drive, on a bus its 10 but I had time. "So, are you going to visit my audition for drums today at 6 at the school? And are you going to art club at 4 after school? I really want you to be there and I want to see your new art drawing you're working on," Charlie said very anxious, watching the road before we crossed it to the school and looking back and forth at me. I had to think about that, I didn't know if I wanted to go to art, I don't feel that zing for art right now. But I want to keep Charlie happy. "Yeah, I'm still going to your audition and I'm going to art club. I can't let you audition without me seeing it. Its just not right then." He smiled and said thank you then hugged me and kissed the top of my head and walked to the other end of the building.

Second period was so boring. I don't have a first period because i come in later. I have math first in the morning though and that is just to much thinking capacity for me. I mean, I just woke up, coffee please? The teacher, Mr. DeVanti, noticed I wasn't exactly keeping up. He looked different today. He got his haircut to a buzz cut and had a on a short sleeve dress shirt with khakis, of course dress shoes. His green eyes always stood out to me, I want to draw them, at least sketch maybe add color. He walked toward me and knelt beside my desk. "Are you feeling OK, Ana? Do you need to go to the nurse? You don't look well," he asked very quietly and nice. I shook my head no and smiled at him. He gave me a nod and continued on with math. I don't care for this stuff anymore.

My third period wasn't any better. I sit in front of the two most popular, pretty, smart, snotty girls in the school. They always have something to say about me. Today's comment was, "would you stop looking emo and depressed and show a smile? You insult our sense of fashion." It bugs me but i cant say anything about it. Were learning about poems and at the end of it, we will have to make our own, like I haven't did this in 9th grade before. My teacher, Mrs.Base, is very bubbly and excited and happy. She reminds me of the color yellow, or pink. She makes the whole class smile and ready to learn but me, I can only sit back and learn enough to pass my grades.

The bell had finally rang and it was time for lunch. The one snotty girl that made a sly comment, Britney, tripped me while leaving the classroom. My friend Queen happened to be there and helped me up and helped get my books. I didn't noticed but two of my cuts were showing on my wrist. I quickly pulled my sleeve down before she saw. "Are you OK, gorgeous? Do you need my to throat punch them for you? I will get them suspended if you want, beautiful." She was to excited while saying that. She seemed so tempted to do it. I let out a soft chuckle and a half smile. "Thanks, but I can take care of myself. They might be horrible but I can handle them." Just as I turned around to go to my locker I saw Charlie coming over to me. He usually doesn't come on this side which was weird. "Hey Ana, can I ask you a question?" he said while halting a stop before running into me. Queen grinned at me then started walking down the stairs to lunch. I started walking to my locker while Charlie followed. "You can ask me anything." He gave me a happy look and watched as I struggled to get my combination right. "Do you want to come with me to McDonald's for lunch? I'll pay, its on me, I promise." I laughed and took his books and mine and put them in my locker then grabbed my phone out of my book bag and put it in my sweater pocket. "Sure thing. Thanks, I did not want pizza for lunch today." He laughed with me and shut and locked my locker for me. We started walking and he held his arm out for me to grab and said shall we? We both laughed hysterically while I grabbed his arm and said we shall.

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