Hospital, again

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Jacob was sitting next to me and I had my head on his shoulder. My whole body is numb now, I can't feel a thing no pain. I was slipping out of it. "Ana, stay awake, Jason is on his way, he could be here any second," he said tearing up again. I am losing to much blood, I can't do it. I was slowly shutting my eyes when I saw a slight glance of Jason running to me and picking me up. Then I blacked out.

"Ana? Can you here me? Ana?". I slowly fluttered my eyes open and saw a nurse standing next to me. We were in the recovery room, and my chest hurt extremely bad. "What.. What did you do to me?" I asked. "You had 2 broken ribs and 1 fractured rib. We gave you surgery and stitched up your wrists, stomach, and lip. You also had a fractured, almost broken ankle. We fixed that all too. Your parents, brother, boyfriend, and a friend are waiting to see you. Would you like all at once or 1 or 2 at a time?" I looked around taking this all in and looked back at her. "Bring my parents in first, then I'll tell them who next," I said in a very weak voice.
"You need to sleep in a hour so be sure they watch the clock for you," she said then went and got my parents.

"Ana," my parents said together while speed walking in. "Hi," I said. They both were on each side and looked at me nearly crying. "I'll be fine. I don't really want to talk about what happened right now, but when I wake up and I feel a little better I will. You guys should go and eat. I'll be fine."
My mom nodded. "Whatever you want, sweetheart," my dad said. They started to leave and I said "Can you send Charlie and Jason in?" They nodded and walked out.

"How do you feel?" Jason said walking in, while Charlie ran in and took my hand and started crying. "I feel like poop to be honest. Thank you for coming as quick as you did, you must have sped," I said quietly, it hurt to speak. "I did. I told the cops there was an emergency at the hospital and threatened their job and they let me go," he said. I nodded and looked at Charlie. "Babe," I said. "I should have gone to school and been there for you, its my fault it really is I am so sorry its all my fault," he said crying. "Shh, its not your fault, it isn't, don't be sorry, its ok," I said. He leaned over and lightly kissed my cheek. "Both of you can join mom and dad at the cafeteria to eat. I'll be ok up here, I love you both." Jason walked over and kissed my forehead. "I love you too," he said smiling then left. "I love you to death baby," Charlie said kissing my cheek then leaving.

Jacob walked in and sat on the bed next to me. "I'm going to find who did this to you, and I'm gonna hurt them twice as much as this," he said while taking my hand. "It was Britney and Courtney. They both did it, together. They threw me in the closet and did this," I said tearing up. He had a flash of anger run through his eyes. "Your mom is gonna sue the principal when she finds out. She's gonna make him hold the dance till actual Valentine's day. Its the 3rd." I shrugged in pain. "I don't know. The principal, Britney, Courtney, they all are gonna be in some huge heap of mess when my parents get to them," I said even quieter than before. "I should probably go, Jane is freaking out and wants to know how you look and what is going on. I won't tell her what happened, she will understand. And I love you Ana," he said while kissing my hand and leaving.

It passed for an hour and I started falling asleep. I guess I need that here, lots of sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and life will continue. I think I'll be fine. I don't know, who knows?

I closed my eyes and began dreaming about my dark monsters getting to me.

***hey! Kinda rushed this one, but I did put a lot in, I hope you enjoyed, and thank you, bye!***

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