Going good... Kinda

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Nothing has happened so, let's skip 2 months. My nose has been better and Britney still hates me. Jacob has another girlfriend, who is my girl best friend now. Jason is in 12th grade and he has a girlfriend, her name is Alex. Me and Charlie are closer than ever. Courtney is just as witchy as Britney, mad that her boyfriend broke up with her because of me. I am now one of the most popular girls in school. Thanks to Jason and his amazing looks being my brother.

"Ana! Wait up!" Queen yelled to me while we were on the indoor track in school. I actually took gym today. I needed to take a load off and run. I run really fast and I'm on the track team now. Queen made it on the girls football team. She loves football, to much.

"What?" I said slowing down to a walk. "Guess who asked me to the Valentine's day dance?" She was super excited so I only assumed someone she liked. I shrugged. She rolled her eyes then grabbed my arm. "Amarillo Santos," she said jumping. She loved that guy, like an idol. "Nice I'm happy for you, are you guys gonna get together after?" I asked. "I don't know, I hope so,"she squealed.

I met Charlie at my car after school ended at 3. "Hey baby!" He yelled running to me. I extended my arms out ready for the hug. He lifted me off my feet and swung me around. "Hey babe," I said then kissed him. "Coming to my place right?" I asked him. He nodded and went around and got in the passengers seat. Jacob and Alex came out hand in hand. He got to my car and opened the back door for her and shut it for her then said hey to me and hugged me. Something was bothering him, he never says hey to me. If he does, he's upset.

He looked at me with a sad expression shown in his eyes. He went on the other side and got in the back. I got in and shut the door. I started the car up and left school.
We were all silent. I liked silence but this was weird. I turned on Panic! at the Disco, Death of a Bachelor. We were all singing it after a minute. When we got to the house me and Charlie grabbed a bottle of water and I changed my sweater and we decided to walk around the block. Its nearly 60 in February. We grabbed protein bars and Charlie headed out before me.

Alex was in the bathroom and I walked up to Jason. "Talk to me when I get back. We are gonna be gone for 2 hours. She should be gone by then. I want to talk to you. I love you," I said while hugging him. He took the hug and said ok and thank you. I left him and Alex to be alone.

"What was that about?" Charlie asked while we were walking to the end of the street. "Jason is upset. Couldn't you tell?" I asked he nodded then took my hand.
We have now been walking around for a hour and I wanted to go back and actually do homework. That's a first for me.

"Before we go in, I want to ask you something," he knelt down and pulled out a box. He opened it and it was a black rose lace bracelet. "Will you go to the dance with me?" I nodded while smiling and he put it on me. He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed for at least 3 minutes and my mom pulled up.
"Well well, who did something right?" she asked while smiling. I looked at her then showed her the bracelet. She ran out of the car and squealed then picked me up hugging me and jumping up and down. "Yay!" She kept shouting.

Its 6:00 now and me and Jason are on his bed. "What's wrong, bro?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes and took my hand. "They contacted me. I didn't want to talk to them, they abused me, they hurt me, burned me. And I still talked to them. They said they love me and want me back and I got angry and sad and now I'm upset. I hate them," he said now crying. I have never seen him cry.
"Who contacted you, Jason?" I asked tearing up myself.

"My old foster parents."

***Hey! Hope you like it, I'll post another either today or tomorrow. Please vote and thank you, bye!! :) :)***

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