Chapter 9

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         When I woke up I was in a white hospital room. The beep from the heart monitor started to irritate me. I lifted my head slowly and peered around the room. There was bouquets of flowers all over the place, along with balloons, stuffed animals, cards, and drawings. I smiled. Wait. Why am I in a hospital room? I looked down at my body which was covered with some kind of gauze. I had an oxygen tank on the floor and two tubes in my nose. I didn’t think anybody was in the room until I heard his voice.

                “You’re finally awake.” Beau smiled, and let out a relieved sigh. He went from sitting on the couch next to the bed to being right by my side, his hand pushing my hair off my forehead.

                “How long was I asleep?” I asked.

                “Only a few hours. It’s 4:18 AM right now.” He said. It was pitch black outside and he looked exhausted.

                “Did you get any sleep?” I asked.

                “No, I was too busy worrying about you.” He sat back down and breathed out.

                “Where’s my family?” I was suddenly very worried.

                “They weren’t in your house. You ran in there for no reason. They were standing right outside. They are all okay.” God, did I feel dumb. I must have looked so stupid running into a burning house when everyone was already out.

                “I’m so stupid. Ow, ow, ow." A sudden burst of hot pain burned my right thigh. “Beau, something burns me.”

                “You got terribly burned in there, babe. You have silvadine under your gauze, they were going to change them in a few hours, but I’m going to go get a nurse now.”

                “Please hurry, Beau. I can’t bear this.” I gritted my teeth and looked up, tears welled in my eyes. He quickly came back into the room followed by a short woman with a little tubawear full of what looked like gauze, tape and scissors.

                “Hi, Madisen? Are you feeling okay?” She stood next to the bed, covering beaus face.

                “It hurts.”

                “It’s going to hurt for a little, but the pain should die down soon. Your taking codeine and Advil pills right now to make the pain subside a bit.” She was talking as she unwrapped the gauze. Once she got to the bottom layer it started to hurt because the silvadeine sort of glued it to my legs, and it picked up blisters as she pulled it off. I winced and buckled my hips off the bed.

                “Sorry, dear. I’ll do it slower.” I nodded. “You don’t have to look at them, but if you want to, that’s fine.” I shook my head and shut my eyes. It still hurt every time she pulled the gauze off.

Beaus POV

                God, I can’t stand to see her in this kind of pain. I want to hold her, and kiss her and tell her everything will be okay. But will it? I know we will be, but with Madisen ever recover from this? Tears were now falling from her face. I immediately stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed and kissed her forehead. I grabbed the hand that wasn’t wrapped in gauze, since it didn’t get touched by the fire. It was the hand I was holding as we ran from the burning house. She interlocked our fingers and squeezed them hard. I lifted her hand and kissed it.

                “Alright, all done getting them off. I’ll give them a minute to breath and then I'll begin wrapping it in a few minutes. Madisen nodded her head and opened her eyes back up. My eyes trailed down to her legs. Big blisters that were full of pus and thick liquid dotted her legs. Some of them had already popped and needed to be cleaned up. The silver silvadeine (go figure) looked a mess on her legs. One of the blisters was the size of a baseball, the others were smaller, like M&M’s and some were like golf balls. They were all shaped differently and some were smaller than others. Thank god, she only got second degree. If they had been anyworse she would never recover.

                “Madisen, don’t look.” I warned her.

                “Would you take a picture so I can look at them when I feel more comfortable?” She asked her voice thick with pain. I nodded and pulled out my iPhone. I pressed the unlock button and hesitated a moment to look at the lock screen. It was the picture of us kissing at the party. Only a few hours before tragedy. She looked so happy, and beautiful. I looked at her now, still beautiful but so sad. Her sad eyes were rimmed with red and she was biting her lip in pain. I slid the camera feature up and snapped a photo of her legs and hand, some of her stomach was burned but i didnt want to expose her body like that in a photo. I walked over to her, and bent down to be at level with her face.

                “Smile.” I told her and clicked the button. The photo was of me and her and I was going to put it on instagram and tell all my followers to pray for her. I looked at the photo, and she looked so beautiful. Her eyes were shining and her smile looked forced, but still beautiful. The nurse came back in then and started to put these big gray pads on her legs. She said they had medicine already in them to make her burns heal fast and they wouldn’t hurt as much. It took her about 5 minutes to shape them right with scissors and stick them to her body. They are also supposed to absorb the pus if the blisters ever pop while under the gauze. Another 5 minutes to wrap them back up in gauze.

                “Do you have a color preference, Madisen?” The nurse asked her. Madisen shook her head no, but I knew her favorite color was light blue, so I pointed at that color wrap and told the nurse she better use that one. The nurse gave me a grateful smile and put down the mustard yellow color that she was going to use.

                When the nurse left, Madisen fell back asleep and I decided I should sit back on the couch and try and get some rest, too.

A/N hi i know a lot about what happens when you get burned from house fires from experience so that's why this was so detailed haha but don't worry I'm healed up now, but my burns were just like the ones i wrote about, i didn't want to write about burns i wasn't sure of, maybe they would be treated differently or something. haha idk but w/e i liked writing this chapter because i like to get all my words out

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