Alone Time

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I bring my plush blanket out onto the beach, dragging it along in the sand with no regard for the sand clinging to it. The last pinks and oranges of the sunset were fading out in the distance. I sat down on the beach to listen to the ocean, even if I could barely see it in the fading light.

"My baby Perseus," I said to my stomach. I heard that it was good to talk to developing fetuses. It seemed to be helping me think as well. "I don't know how I'm going to handle you alone. If you're anything like your father, you're going to be quite a handful."

I felt certain that one day, Don would leave, never to be seen again. Lacey and Brandon would either have happy lives with each other, or with someone else. I would be alone, taking care of Perseus.

I sighed. One step at a time. Right now, I had a great support system, which included my best friend and my boyfriend. I picked up my blanket and walked back inside.

I tossed my blanket in the laundry. I walked into the kitchen and jumped. Don was meandering around the kitchen. "If someone's lights are off, and it's dark, it usually means that they're not home, or they're sleeping."

Don grinned sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see you."

"Any particular reason?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," he shrugged, grinning.

"Well then. Would you like some decaf coffee?" I asked him, pulling out the bag coffee grinds.

"That would be great." he said, pulling up a wooden bar stool that had eleven leg lengths.

I set my outdated coffee machine to the right settings, pouring in water. "So, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" I asked out of the blue.

"I loved this one in Chicago, called Blue Moon. But of average ice cream flavors, I like blueberry," he told me. "What's yours?"

"I like cotton candy. Or mint chocolate chip. I'm very indecisive," I admitted. Don laughed, and the coffee machine beeped. I poured coffee into my favorite New York mug, and poured Don't coffee into a blue mug. I pour some creamer into my mug and take a large sip. I see that Don prefers his black.

"No creamer?" I asked him, motioning towards the creamer and sugar.

"No. I've enjoyed coffee black ever since it was invented." He took another sip of coffee.

I finish my cup of coffee, yawning. "I'm going to bed. Go home, Don." I said, walking towards my bedroom.

"Good night, Sally," he said as he left. I let him see himself out. We had been together long enough that he knew the way to get out, put the key he used to get in back under the rug, and lock the bottom lock.

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