Coffee at Diamond's

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Unknown Number, 10:43 a.m.: Hi, Sally. It's Lacey, from the club. I'm just very emotional right now, and I was wondering if we could meet up somewhere to talk? I'm free for all of today, but if you're busy, that's fine! We can hang out whenever you're free. Thanks!

Sally, 11:04 a.m.: I'm free today. Do you want to go to this cute little coffee shop called Diamond's, we can talk there?

Lacey, 11:05 a.m.: Yeah, that sounds great. I'll see you there in 10 minutes, okay?

Sally, 11:05 a.m.: Okay, I'll see you there!

I shrugged on my denim jacket and grabbed my keys. Today was supposed to be a lazy day, for myself, but how could I spend my day better than with a new friend?

It took me fifteen minutes to get there, so I fast-walked to the shop quickly. I opened the door and a small bell rang above my head. I spotted Lacey at a small booth, her hands folded in front of her.

I slid into the booth. "I'm sorry that I'm late-"

"No, don't be sorry," she shook her head. She looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "I just want to thank you for being here for me."

"Of course," I replied.

"This breakup with Carson has been hard on me. He was my only friend. But anyways, I'm not trying to be rude, but we barely know each other. Let's get to know each other. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-three." I didn't like answering personal questions, although that question may not have counted.

"Really? I'm twenty-two, but I'll be twenty-three in a month, on August 14." She replied. She seemed sullen, but trying to act excited.

"What's wrong, Lace?" I asked, picking up on her mood.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just really sad and worried and confused. Carson has been my best friend since second grade, and he was always my constant. He broke up with me, and the person that I want to turn to is... Carson."

"Why did he break up with you?" I asked, concerned.

"I don't know. He didn't really tell me. We were fine one day, and then he broke up with me - over text, by the way - the next. And here I am, alone, crying, so I decide to go out. Even now, it feels so fresh. I've never been in a relationship, so this is the first time my hearts been broken. It hurts, you know?"

"Lace, I've never been in a more serious relationship than the one I'm in now, which really isn't that serious, so don't take my advice to heart. If I were you, I would be blunt with him, and just ask him why he broke up with you. That way, we can instill proper revenge." I replied cheerfully.

"Okay, I will. In fact, I'll text him right now." She typed on her phone for a second, then set it face-down on the table. "But you know what will keep me busy while he replies?" She said, raising one eyebrow.

"Ordering more coffee?" I asked hopefully. Based on her expression, whatever she had in mind wouldn't be fun for me.

"Talking about you and your relationship!" I could tell that she had been thinking about this ever since we had first met.

"No no no. I don't want to talk about my relationship."

"Sooo..." She asked anyways, "What's his name?"

"Don," I sighed, giving up.

"Ooh!" She squeals. "Let me think for a second... Dally! That is your guy's ship name!"

"We don't need a ship name. This ship has barely sailed. It's probably going to sink soon."

"Why do you say that?"

"Have you seen him? He's tall, handsome, and charming. And I'm just... Me. The girl who never had a partner in school because she couldn't make any friends. The girl who watches kid's cartoons because she thinks they're funny. The girl who likes reading more than socializing. I'm just... Sally."

She stared straight at me and whispered, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Remember that, Jackson."

"I guess," I look at my lap, feeling uncomfortable.

"So," Lacey squeaks, "I want to know all about Don. Specifics. How did you meet? What's he like? Has he told you he loves you?"

"Lacey! I told you, the ship has barely sailed! We are taking things very slowly." I tried to whisper-yell at her.

"Oh, okay," she winked at me. "So how 'bout the other questions?"

"You're so nosy," I joked playfully. "But fine, if you insist. We met on the beach, on a rainy day. I invited him inside my cabin, and we had some hot chocolate and got to know each other.

"And as for what he's like... He has everything that I would ever look for in a relationship, even if he has his flaws. He's really nice and caring, and would do anything to make me happy.

"Somehow, even though he's a fisherman, he's rich, and he's very generous with his money, despite what protests I may have about that.

"And he's gorgeous of course," I laughed.

Lacey sighed, "I thought that I had that kind of relationship. I gave him everything, Sally. Do you know what I'm saying?" She looked right into my eyes, trying to get a deeper meaning across to me.

"What? Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry, Lace." I slid closer to her and hugged her.

"I really thought that he was the one," she says softly. She isn't crying, but she has a glassy, detached look in her eyes. I could tell that she was remembering old times.

Her phone beeped. She wiped her eye, even though she hadn't been crying. "Speak of the devil," she said. She was silent for a moment, reading her text. "He wants me to come over. Will you come, too?"

"I really don't want to intrude," I stutter. She needed me, but I was scared of getting in the way.

"Please? I need some support." Tears welled in her eyes.

I nodded my head. We got up and paid for our coffee, heading towards my car.

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