Dance Your Worries Away

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Here I was again, worrying about what to wear. I had picked out an outfit in my mind earlier, but when I tried it on, it didn't look good. I was frustrated with myself for being so indecisive.

Whatever, nobody cares, I thought as I just pulled on a dress. Even though I usually stuck to neutral tones and different shades of blue, this cocktail dress was a bright red. It was form-fitting, but had long sleeves, so I didn't feel that uncomfortable. I slipped on black flats and picked up my black clutch. That had ought to neutralize the outfit enough.

I swept my brown curls over my shoulder as I walked to the front door. I knew that Don would be early, just sitting in the driveway for fifteen minutes like always. I walk outside, and a familiar Cayman is parked in the driveway, just as I thought.

I open the door and sit in the passenger seat. It feels rude to just hop in, but I would feel even more awkward if I knocked or asked him if I could sit down, since I obviously knew that I could.

Don turns towards me and gives me a once-over. "You look hot." He grins.

"I don't whether to be appalled or pleased at that comment." I said, feeling like I was in high school again. Back then, boys were absolutely clueless when it came to girls, it was often funny.

He grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry. Let me try that again," he cleared his throat, "Sally Jackson, 'hot' is no measure of your attractiveness. You look absolutely stunning this evening. How did I ever end up with a date as gorgeous as you?" He kissed the back of my hand.

"That's much better," I joked. "And the answer to your question is that you are extremely handsome yourself, and can be charming... At times."

"Only at times? I have to fix that." He smirked. I smiled back at him, glad that we were the type of couple who could joke around with each other.

"C'mon, start driving, slowpoke. We're never going to get there if we don't start driving." I teased, not caring in the least if we never got to go dancing.

"Your wish is my command, ma'am." He saluted as he started the car.

"Can I wish for you to stop with all the nicknames? How about just calling me Sally?"

"I can't grant all wishes," he grinned at me cheekily as he pulled out of the driveway.

I sighed. It was a long shot, anyways.

He held my hand the whole way there. I wanted to tell him to keep both hands on the wheel, but his hand was warm and comforting. He seemed to be fine driving with one hand anyways.

We pulled up to a large building. I could hear the music blaring from the doors, even though we were parked in the middle of the parking lot.

"So what made you bring me here? It's a lot different from the places that we usually go." I was curious: was this where he spent his time when I wasn't around?

"I just thought that we could have some fun. Do you not like it?" His eyebrows scrunched together, and he looked worried.

"No! It's fine. I was just wondering." I opened the door and got out. Don joined me and hooked his elbow through mine. We walked to the door. Music blared as we walked in, still connected by the elbows.

He broke away and stood across from me. He bowed slightly, putting out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

I took his hand, not saying anything, and he pulled me on to the dance floor. I grabbed his hand, and placed my other hand on his shoulder. As he clasped my hand, he put his other hand on my waist. We slow-danced, even though it was a fast song.

The crowd, the heat, and the loud music seemed to be making my schizophrenia act up. I saw a lady with flaming hair, dancing in my vision. She disappeared as quickly as she had appeared. I didn't think much about it; I often had weird hallucinations.

Don and I fast-danced for a few songs, until we stopped and left the dance floor. Don dragged me off by the hand. "I have to... Go to the bathroom. Will you be okay?" His eyes flashed. He looked concerned.

I was fully capable of being alone for five minutes. "I'll be fine." I snapped, turning away from him and walking towards the bar. I sat down on a stool, turning around and realizing that Don had followed me. "Just go."

He grabbed my hand with both of his. "Okay. I'll be right back."

I scooted in my chair, turning to face the bar instead of the dance floor. The bartender walked over and asked, "What can I get for you?"

"Just water, please." I asked. I tried not to drink, but I would sometimes indulge in the occasional drink. But tonight, I could not allow myself to get drunk.

"Don't drink, huh?" asked a woman next to me. She had a heart-shaped face, framed by light blonde hair and bangs. She sipping a glass of beer, but didn't look drunk.

"I try not to. Are you here alone?" I ask.

"Yeah, I came to relieve some stress. You see, my boyfriend just broke up with me. Seeing all of these couples isn't helping." She gestures to the couples dancing.

"Don't worry. You'll be alright. Eventually, you'll get over it." I tried to assure her. I had never actually been in a serious long-term relationship, but here I was, lecturing a stranger about a break-up.

"I know, I know. A break-up has just never hurt this much before, you know? Me and my boyfriend have been best friends since the second grade, and I've loved him since high school. He was my only friend, so now I don't even have a support system." She sighed, seeming to be talking more to herself than to me.

"Oh, it's okay. I can be here for you... What's your name?" I asked.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm such a scatterbrain. Here I am, telling you my story, and you don't even know my name. I'm Alice, by the way, but you can call me Lacey."

"I'm Sally." We shook hands awkwardly. I wrote down my phone number on a napkin and gave it to her. "Would you like to go get coffee sometime?"

"That would be wonderful," she nodded thankfully.

All of a sudden, a loud bang came from the general direction of the bathroom. Most of the dancers either didn't hear it or didn't care, but I did, and so did Lacey.

Out of nowhere, Don appeared at my shoulder. "We have to go." He proclaimed urgently, pulling my arm.

"Just wait for a minute. Lacey, this is my... Boyfriend, Don." Don was so distressed that his facial expression didn't even change when I called him my boyfriend. That's when I knew that this was important. "Well, Lacey, it was nice to meet you. Give me a call, I would love to go to coffee with you whenever you want," I told her as Don pulled me out of the club.

"What was that about?" I asked him as we emerged into the cool night. "Did you get in a fight in the bathroom?"

"You could call it that," he replied as he herded me into the passenger seat. He kept looking over his shoulder agitatedly.

"Don-" The loud car engine cuts me off. Don speeds away as fast as he can go without breaking the law. He was acting so worried, even though no one had followed us.

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