Date Night with a Near Stranger

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The picture is of Sally's outfit for the night. Do you like it?
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I stared in the mirror. I turned around, looking at myself from all angles.

Did I look okay?

Then I remembered that I didn't care.

It was Don that was making me feel this way, I knew it was. There was something about him.

I stroked the beautiful navy chiffon high low dress that always made me feel beautiful. Was it enough? I had never tried so hard for a date before. But it wasn't a date. Or was it? I was so confused.


The doorbell rang. I was nervous.

I fixed my side bun, and even though tendrils were escaping and framing my face, I ran to the door and opened it.

He was so devilishly handsome. Even when I was wearing inch tall navy heels, he was still much taller than me. His green eyes shone as he looked at me.

"You look beautiful." He told me, smiling. "Let's go."

We walked over to his car, a gray Porsche Cayman. Apparently he was wealthy, but how did he get the money of he was a fisherman? This man had kept me guessing at every turn.

I tried to open the passenger door, but Don beat me there. He opened the door for me. I glared at him for treating me like I couldn't handle myself. But I wasn't the only stubborn one.

"Just get in," he said. "I'm not going to move until you let me be courteous."

I got in, a small smile stretching across my face against my will.

He got in the car and we started driving.

"So..." I asked, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," he replied.

"Oh, c'mon, I'm going to know soon enough, why don't you just tell me?" I asked. He only smirked at me. I glared back.

We drove in silence for a while. He looked... So Handsome. I couldn't keep my eyes off him, and he didn't look at me at all on the trip to the restaurant.
We finally arrived at a fancy Italian restaurant. I was too busy staring to figure out the name.

"I can't pay for this!" I nearly yelled at Don, "I'm unemployed!"

"Well, I'll pay, of course," he replied smugly.

I glared at him. "No way. I will pay my share. I don't need your help," I went to get out of the car, but Don was already there, pulling my door open. But he was just in his seat... He walked fast, I supposed.

I glared even more angrily at him to no effect. He only grinned at me. I got out, and we walked in.

Once we were seated, I was still mad at him for treating me like I couldn't take care of myself. I had one hand laying on the table, the other propping up the menu between us so that he could obviously see that I was ignoring him.

"Sally," he said in a soft voice. He touched my free hand. "Don't be mad. I just knew that you were so stubborn and hard-willed that you wouldn't let me pay unless you had to. You deserve to be treated well." He kissed my hand gently. It was an old-fashioned gesture, but it was cute.

I wasn't mad anymore, but I liked this side of Don. He was more vulnerable, more caring. His "bad-boy" demeanor was falling away in layers.

I liked it. I liked him.

No I didn't.

Oh, who was I kidding? Of course I liked him, he was a heartthrob. He had me wrapped around his finger. He was the type of guy who made a girl fall in love with him and then broke her heart. I promised myself to never become that girl, but here I was, falling into this pit of insanity. I had only known him for a day! I had to show him that I could stand up for myself.

"I don't need you to do things for me," I said sternly.

"But I want to," he stared at me relentlessly. My heart swelled, but I only held me head high and did not budge an inch.

"Fine," he relented, "I won't do it again." He said as he laces his fingers through mine. I sighed and set the menu out flat on the table. I was highly aware of his hand clutching mine, but tried not to blow it by saying something stupid.

At that point, the server came. I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu.

"So..." I asked on a whim, "What's your favorite color?"

"Well," he answered. "Blue, but not a dark navy blue - not that there's anything wrong with you dress or anything - but I like lighter tones of blue. What about you, Sally?" Don rambled on in a completely serious tone.

"Green. A deep, emerald green," I actually liked sea green as of late, but emerald was my old favorite before yesterday.

Our food finally came, and we had to use our hands to eat. I loved holding hands with him, but maybe it was for the best if we didn't. My feelings were complicated enough.

We ate in silence for a while.

When we finally breached the wall of silence, he asked, "Is the food alright?"

I thought of lying, but I just answered truthfully. "No, to be honest, it's terrible," I answered.

"C'mon, we can not have you eating terrible food. Let's go," he said.

He pulled out his wallet and took out some twenties.

"Oh, no you don't," I said as I shoved most of the cash that I brought with me onto the pile.

We had a silent staring contest. I would not relent, so I won, and he left my money there as we walked out the door.

We got into his car and drove off. I didn't know if we were going back to my house or to somewhere else, but I didn't ask, because I knew that he wouldn't tell. He was almost as stubborn as me sometimes.

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