
"Hey Daisy, do you want to paint our nails after class tonight?" Eleanor asked me at lunch when we were eating. Well, I was picking at my food, they were eating.

"I can't, I've got this huge test coming up that I have to study for," I lied. I didn't want to admit to Eleanor that I was close to failing my best subject.

"Bummer," she frowned, clearly believing my excuse. "What class?"

"Philosophy," I said. She didn't have the class or the teacher so that one had to be safe.

"Well maybe sometime later this week?" she asked.

"Of course," I smiled, hiding the annoyance I'd been feeling all day at what I knew was going to come after class.

I met Eleanor in English, sitting between her and Alex. The entire class period I spent quietly doing my work, getting well into the passage I was reading and all the notes I was taking.

I kept working when the bell rang, and Eleanor left after wishing me luck on my studying for my philosophy test. I thanked her and also told Alex I had to study for my philosophy test before he tried to approach me.

"Okay, I'll see you at dinner," he said, kissing me on the cheek as he left the classroom.

I only began to put away my notes and book once the classroom had emptied, dreadfully moving my belongings to the front of the classroom.

"Have a seat right there, and I will be finished with this in just a moment. Go ahead and get your book out again." Professor Hemmings was erasing the board like he usually does, shuffling his papers around on his desk. I plopped down on the seat he pointed to, pulling out my book and crossing my arms to pout.

Professor Hemmings sat in the seat next to me, scooting close enough to look at what was in front of me. "Let's start with tonight's homework."

I opened the book to the assignment he had given us for that night, staring down at the page with a scowl on my face.

"I want you to read the first paragraph out loud to me," he said.

"Excuse me?" I looked up from the book to Professor Hemmings.

"I said, I want you to read the first paragraph out loud to me," he repeated.

"I am not going to read it out loud," I said. "I am not in Year 1."

"Daisy, this is not going to work if you are not going to cooperate with what I asked you to do," he sighed, probably annoyed with my attitude coming back after being gone for so long. Serves him right for thinking I'd actually stop mouthing off to him.

"I will cooperate once you stop treating me like a child," I snapped.

"I am not treating you like a child, I am trying to work on your reading comprehension," he said. "Now, will you please just read the paragraph so we can get through this?"

"I am not reading it out loud," I said, crossing my arms.

"Fine, just read it please," he said, rolling his eyes.

I huffed and looked down at the first paragraph, already dreading how horrible these tutoring sessions were going to be.


I packed up the last of my things, leaving the classroom and peeking around to make sure no one saw me. I left, turning the corner and bumping right into El, who appeared startled to see me exit Professor Hemmings' classroom.

"Daisy?" she stopped, looking between me and the classroom I'd just walked out of. "You told me you had a test to study for, what the hell?"

"Listen, Eleanor, please keep your voice down." I said, beginning to panic again. "Let me explain."

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me skeptically, but let me proceed talking.

"Headmistress Morris called me into her office this morning and told me that I have to take tutoring sessions with Professor Hemmings after class on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I'm close to failing," I said. "I swear, I would have told you but I'm just so embarrassed, English is my strong suit and I'm on the cusp of having to retake it and not graduate on time." I started crying, and Eleanor immediately pulled me in for a hug.

"Aw, Daisy, you don't have to be embarrassed," she said. "I'm sorry I kind of jumped to conclusions just a minute ago. You know you could have told me and I wouldn't have thought anything of it."

"I know, it's just so embarrassing," I said, letting her continue to hug me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's okay, it's okay," she said, pulling away and wiping my tears away for me. "Let's get back to the dorms and we can hang out with Eileen and Blair for a bit, they're being so goofy and I know they'll make you feel better."

I wiped my cheeks with my hand, nodding and going with Eleanor to the dorms, a little glad I didn't have to hide it from her but still extremely angry that I had to even have the tutoring sessions in the first place.


A/N: hello! surprise update because this is a test. I might start doing updates twice a week instead of just once because I feel like it's such a long time to wait an entire week

I am excited for the good stuff coming soon so don't leave now friends

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