Chapter 16

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Back on earth at stark tower

Kayla  pov

Steve and me walk to the training room so Steve can help me with my powers. when we got there alex and tasha was there . i said " hello ladies ." alex said " omg kayla we found out our powers." i said " that so awesome."   tasha said ran past me really fast and said" dude i have super speed and strength. and alex have telekinesis." i said " yeah i'm still trying to find out what are mine are.'   alex said " try running." steve said " yeah maybe that's one of your powers.' so i started to run. i was running like tasha  then i stop.  Steve said" try to get angry ." so i was thinking of when ashley and tasha got me really mad at school. then we all heard thunder .  alex said " sweet you can control the weather and your invisible." i said " i have awesome powers." steve said " oh yeah you do . now all three of you go get a gun . i'm gonna teach you how to use it when some one trying to get it.' so we all went to get a gun and we all walk back to steve .  

tony pov 

bruce , Natasha , clint , and me went out to the avengers headquarters . when we got there  bruce and me went to the lab. Natasha and clint went to the office and find out more about doctor doom. bruce said " why do you think that malekith?" i said" who knows. we have worry about the three girls now ashley is okay with thor ." bruce said" yeah your right."  i walk over to my suits and i was fixing my suits. i grab some tools and started to work on them. bruce was working on something. 

bruce pov 

after tony and i were down building thing.  we went to Natasha and clint to find out about doctor doom. we got to the office ..I said " so what do we got ?" Clint said" well this guy has been hiding from other people but he has people go out for him. we find out that he been building some kind of machine ."   Natasha said" when don't know when he's going to get the girls ." tony said " well that's just great." 

back at stark tower 

kayla pov 

after we finish training we went to the park. steve was doing someone with his friend .  so it's just me, alex , and Tasha . we went to the play ground .i said " hey let's play tag ." alex said " okay tasha it." tash said " aww come on. i always get pick ." i said " hahahaha yup you do know let's play ." so we started to play .  tasha was chasing me and alex around the play ground then a group of men came up to us and said ' hello girls." then men grabbed us put clothes on our faces then we past out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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