Chapter 4

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Steve pov
I was carrying Kayla . I read about her and her friends. I wander why hydra take them ? I mean really.
I looked at Kayla sand to her " hey Kayla your gonna be alright your safe with me . I- I mean with us ." Kayla just nod her head . She turn head to Alex and Tasha . Alex and Tasha looked at us and nod there heads .
We walk to the helicopter I sat Kayla down . Alex and Tasha sat down by Kayla . Natasha said " hey the hulk has Ashley . And fury wants us to get back now ." I said " alright." Then the hulk came to the helicopter and lay down Ashley .
Then Natasha calm
The hulk done and then he turn into Bruce. Tony Sid in the ear piece " hey I'll meet you guys at stark tower." I said " see ya there ." Then the helicopter took off . Bruce sat down by Ashley holding her hand . Alex said " are they ok?" I said " yes they are ." Tasha said " Alex there gonna be ok if they die I Ashley 's X-box one ." Alex slap Tasha on the arm and said " Tasha no you are not ." Then I look at Kayla she was awake . I said to her " hey ." Kayla said " hey and thanks you saving us ask there ." I said " no problem." Kayla said " is ash ok ?" I nod . Then Bruce walk over to Nat and said something to her she nod . Well Thor was at Asgard with Loki .

Bruce pov
After I told to Nat I went back over to Ashley . She was sleeping but she was losing a lot of blood. Kayla was ok but still . I looked over at Kayla and Steve I see they were talking . Alex and Tasha was talking about there best friends. Then all of sudden Ashley was screaming " mom ! I can't do this !mom come back !" I grab her hand and said " hey Ashley wake up it's just a nightmare." I looked at Alex and Tasha they were shocked .

Alex pov
When we got to the stark tower . Ashley and Kayla was carry to the hospital room. Tasha and me went with them. Tasha was with Ashley and I was with Kayla . Sat by Kayla's bed the whole time . Kayla sleeping the doctors clean up her and put bandages on her cuts And sticks her bullet wounds . I went to sleep . It's been a while that all of us got a good sleep.
I heard the door open and close .

In Ashley's room

Tasha pov
Ashley was sleeping I was sleeping by her hospital bed. It's been three hours since Kayla , Ashley , Alex , and me sleep . I woke up to see Ashley awake. I said " hey buddy how's it going." Ashley looked at me and said " good how's Kayla and Alex ?" I said " Kayla doing a lot bette and Alex doing fine . "
Ashley said " who save us ?" I said " the avengers ." Ashley nod . Then Alex and Kayla came in and walk over to the bed . I got up and all group hug Ashley . Ashley had tears coming down her face.
Kayla said " hey it's ok." I said " ash we are all sticking together no matter what happens ." Alex said " yes we are that's what friends are for ."
Ashley said " yeah I know and Tasha I heard what you said and fuck
No you are not having my fucking X-box one ."
Kayla and Alex was laughing .
Then the door open and a doctor came in and said " hey girls
See you are alright. Ashley you are good to go and be careful of ur side ." Ashley nod . Then the doctor left .

What do you guys think of the story ?
Don't worry I'm gonna have Loki in the story soon !
KaylaBusch  I bet you are fan girly about you and cap. Lol 😂

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