Chapter one

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Hydra's  pov
One of the guards found the girls . I walk to the room and said "  what's going on?" On of the guards said" sir we found the girls.  They are in town called Crocker in Missouri." I said " well go get them ! Bring them here now !" They said " yes sir !" Then the guards left . I walk to the doctors room and said " get the stuff ready now . " they nod and so they did . I walk back to my office when I got there the boss was there I said " sir it's nice to see you ." The boss said " oh it's nice to see you too Tom." I said " sir we found the girls . We are getting them now ." The boss said" great job tom."

In Crocker Missouri

Kayla's pov

I woke up  and seen it was 7:09 . I got off of my bed and went to my closet and picked out my outfit for school . After I got dress I went to Tasha's room and woke her up . I said " Tasha , get your ass up we are gonna be late for school again." Tasha said " ok ok ." She was slowly getting up . I walk out of her room and went to the living room and grab my phone and txted Alex , Ashley, and Tasha in a group chat
Ashley txted back " hey ."
Alex said " hello girls ."
Tasha said " sup bitches."
I said " good morning."
Ashley said " hey is it gonna be nice today?"
I said " yes it's post to be in the 90's ."
Alex said " ok ."
Tasha said " yo Kayla let's leave ."
I said " then come on !"
Ashley said " 😎."
Alex said " see ya guys soon ."

Then Tasha came out to the living room and then we went to my truck and drove to school .
When we got there I park by the baseball field. We got out and walk to the gym . When we got there sky was talking to Alex  like always does .
Tasha said " I hope we go out side for life time sports." I sat down on the bleachers and said " ye me too ."
I got out my phone and went on Instagram and post a pic of sky saying. " well the bitch is here it's gonna be a long day . If she says stuff to me I'm gonna blow 💥."
Then the bell ring , I put up my phone ,and it was time for classes. I wonder were Ashley is ? She should be here now .
Then there was Ashley eating a donut . Ashley walked up to us and said " hello ."  Alex aid " hey guys ." Tasha said " yo . " I said " hey. "

Ashley's pov
I sat down by Kayla and Tasha . Coach Wall came in and did luck check .
Sky was talking to Alex . I said " hey Alex ." Then sky looked at me with glare." Oh I wanted to punch her so bad .
Coach wall said " alright class we are going outside to walk ." Then we all got up and walk to the baseball field. Tasha said to me " hey are go still gonna hang out to night." I nod. Kayla said " I can't wait !" Alex said " me too !"  We got to the baseball field and started walking . Alex was still talking to sky . Tasha and Kayla was in front of me .  I said " Alex are you ready for tonight?" Alex and sky looked at me and Alex said " yeah it's gonna be fun!" Sky said " what's happening tonight." Alex said " uh well Ashley I'd having a party and Tasha , Kayla , and me are going to it ." Sky looked at me and said " oh really how come I didn't get invited." I said " well  maybe there's to many going ." Sky said " no there not ." I was really getting mad I stop walking and turn to sky and said ". Well maybe you need to stop being a smart ass to everyone." I seen Kayla and Tasha stop and looked at us .  Sky step closer to me and said " well you need to stop being a bitch !"
I said " well  maybe you need to stop being a stupid dumb ass slut ." Then sky came up to me and punch my face.  Kayla came up to sky and said " hey you need to fucking stop ! " sky turn to Kayla said " you know what nobody likes you ! " Kayla snap and punch the fuck out of sky .  Alex , Tasha and me we were  speechless .

Alex pov
Wow Kayla pouch the living crap out of sky  It was funny . After Kayla was finished to black trucks stop next to and then a group of men came up up to  us and grab us . They knock out Kayla . Ashley said " you son of bitch . Let's us go now ." Tasha was kicking and punching the two guys that was holding her . I was trying to get away but three men grab me . I seen Tasha and Ashley cussing out the men . Then I was knock out .

Tasha's pov
After we got kidnapped they knock us out cold. Me and Ashley were cussing the shit at they .
I have to say Kayla did a pretty good job pouching out sky . When I woke up we were in a room . Alex and Ashley were still knocked out . I looked to see kayla wake . I said " hey we're are we ?" Kayla said " I don't know ." I said " why do they want us ." Kayla said " how am I supposed to know that ." I said " I don't know ? Well wake up Alex and Ashley ." I went over to Alex and shook her . She woke up and said" ow my head hurts ." I said " yeah they knock us out ." Kayla went to Ashley and slapped her face Ashley  jump up and said " ahh Freddy !" Kayla , Alex and me were laughing . Ashley said " hey that's not funny !" Then the door open and we stop . A group of men came in and grab us and we walk out of the room. We walk to a room were there was machines and tables . There was four tables the men put us on the tables and strap is us.then a man came in front of us and said " hello ladies welcome. We are hydra ." Ashley said" well fuck you . " the man said " oh you have a mouth."  Ashley said " yeah buddy I do now let us go now !" The man  said " well if you don't listen then ." The men snap his fingers and then two guards came by Ashley and punch her in the stomach."
Ashley let out a scream and then said" I can do this all day if you want to my friends you can do it to me don't hurt them Plzs ." The man said " hmm alright." Kayla said " what the fuck Ashley ." Ashley said " Kayla I'm doing this so you guys won't get hurt ." The man said " how touching now doctors knock them out and then put the serums in them ." The man left and then all I knew we all got knock out .

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