We walk up three stairs then I'm back on flat land. I hear a door open, and all of the sudden the light changes its brighter. Okay so no beach. It's also quiet. "Where are we?" I ask. "Stand right here," Justin says.

I feel firm arms hug me tightly. "You didn't think I'd miss your birthday did you?" Excitement over comes my body, and take the blind for off. Vic?!!?! I hug him back so tightly.

"I thought-"

"It was only so I could plan this." I look around to see the whole group here and more. I realize where at the vacation home Vic took us for our first time. I smile, and hug him. "I love you so much." I tell him. "I love you too." I stand on my tippie toes and kiss him quickly. "Okay let's get this party jumping!" Mike yells. We laugh and the music starts playing. Everyone cheers and goes off to do whatever. I'm thirsty. I know there has to be alcohol here so I need to find unopened water here.

"Vic do you have any bottles of water? I can't drink." I chuckle. "Of course it's in our room, the one we slept in last time." he tells me. "Come with?" I ask. I really missed him. "Mhm," he nods. We walk to the room, and find a lot of unopened bottled water. Vic grabbed me a bottle since I couldn't really bend down. "So, did you actually think I would miss your birthday?" He ask wrapping his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Yeah... If your dad forced you to at least. You're honestly the only thing I want for my birthday if that doesn't sound weird." I chuckle.

"It's okay, I said the same thing to you." he laughs, then he leans down kisses me softly. Boy... Did he have me.... When he pulls away he says, "Maybe you can have me later." He winks. "Now lets go down to your party." he smirks. I smile happily and walk down stairs with him.

Vic leads me to the dance floor where we dance like we did the first time we met.


After singing happy birthday and everyone getting some cake the party went on for a few more hours then people started to leave. Which I'm okay with because it's about two O'clock in the morning, and I'm tired. "Kell we're leaving!" I hear Justin call. I guess that our cue to go. "Where do you think you're going mister?" Vic ask, wrapping his arms around me.

"Aren't we going home?" I ask. "Nope, we're staying right here." he says. "I don't have any clothes though." I tell him. "Your mom allowed me to get clothes from your house." he says. So she was in on this too? Wow. "Well okay then." I say happily. "See you tomorrow Kell," Justin says.

"See you tomorrow," I say sleepily. "Have fun!" he winked. I rolled my eyes at him. The rest of the group left leaving me and Vic alone. "So how was your birthday?" Vic ask. "Started out a bit rocky, but it was amazing overall." I say smiling. "Sorry," he chuckles. "It's okay baby," I say. That's like the thousandth time I've said that to him.

"Okay," he sighs, "now is the gorgeous Princess ready to go to bed?" he ask. "Yes I am. The kids think its nice to take most of Mommy's energy." I laugh. "Aww," he kisses my cheek then we go to our room. We both take a quick shower together, and get into bed. Vic and I cuddle close. His back to my front as his arm is draped over my side and his hand is on my growing stomach.

"I love you," I hear him mutter. "I love you too." I smile. Not long after I've said those words I fall asleep letting darkness take over my body.


I wake up feeling refreshed and happy. Yesterday was amazing. Vic is so sweet to do that for me. Fuck, I love him! I looked back at him, his face relaxed. He was snoring lightly. I smile, and turn back around. Our small conversation from yesterday popped into my head.

"...You're honestly the only thing I want for my birthday..."
"...Maybe you can have me later..."

Next, Memories of Vic's birthday popped into my head. All the moaning and groaning. That was like an amazing early Valentines Day present. Then we did it again for Valentine's Day.... Mm... Then more times throughout those months until this day. I say it's been 3 weeks. I think... Ever since I've been pregnant I think I've been more...horny than usual.

Okay let me get that out of my head before I get too excited. I slip out of Vic's grasp, and go to the bathroom. I do my business, then I wash my hands. I grab my toothbrush, and grab the tooth paste. The thoughts still haven't left my head. I start to brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror, I'm startled when I see Vic there. "You scared the hell out of me." I chuckle. "Sorry," he apologized.

I look back down at the sink as Vic went to do his business as well. I spit the toothpaste out and rinse my mouth with mouth wash. Vic walks up next to me, to do the same thing I did. "Someone's happy," he chuckles. "What do you mean?" I look down to see a tent in my pants. I walk out, my face most likely as red as a cherry. I go lay down on the bed and cover my face. Damn it Kellin!

I hear the water in the bathroom turn off, and some movement. I hear feet walking towards me. I remove from my hands from my fave and see a very pleasing sight in front of me. Vic was walking to me completely naked, his member fully erect. I could feel myself getting harder at the sight. I bit my bottom lips as he smirked at me. He grabbed my feet and pulled me closer to him.

I sat up as much I would allow myself too and took off my shirt. His fingers hooked around my boxers and slid them off looking me in the eyes. His eyes were dark filled with lust. He lent down and kissed me rough and hard. His tongue forced its way into my mouth, it explores my mouth as I feel Vic's hand trailing down to my lower region. Vic pulls away and his lips are planted on my neck. I feel him touch my member which was throbbing at this point. I moaned, he's found my sweet spot as he started to pump me. I gasp at the two things going on at once.

This is gonna be a great morning.

Want me to continue that smut in the last chapter? Haha

I Knew It Was You (Kellic) (boyxboy) MpregDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora