Chapter 21: The Plan - Part I

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"And will you fill him in on it?" I question curiously.

"Probably yes. Well maybe. I don't know, should I?" She asks. I think about it, and it'd be a pretty horrible thing to do to a guy. Using him to get closer to someone else.

"Well if you didn't tell him about it, and he actually fell for you," I point out, moving my hands up and down as if weighing the options.

"Okay so I need to let him in on it." She confirms. I can't believe she's serious about this, she's never been like this before. It's also slightly funny seeing her like this though, so worked up over a boy.

"Are you completely sure you want to go through with this?" I clarify.

"Of course I am." She nods, writing it down on a piece of paper, drawing out little stick figures and scribbles all over the place.

"Hmm okay," I reply, unsure whether this actually is a good idea or not. "Maybe you should just tell him how you feel." I suggest, getting a look of plain ridiculousness from her.

"No, I'm not doing that. This is not only more enjoyable, but it will get him thinking too, especially if he doesn't know if he likes me that way yet." She justifies.

This is so weird seeing her like this, it's like a completely different side to her, and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I shake my head at the thought of how much of an effect Louis has on her. If only he realised what he was doing, what he's getting himself and Nell into.

"Only if you understand what you're doing." I say.

"I do. Maybe I'll flirt with a few guys in English and Lit tomorrow as well," she ponders. I frown at the thought of this plan falling through, and turning out well for no one in the end. I pick the bag up off the floor and open the front door, shaking it off outside by the step.

"Have a nice little talk with Dani?" Jason asks, still unloading the surfboards from the roof rack.

"Kind of, she's being incredulous," I tell him. "I'll help you wash the car in just a second." I walk back inside with the bag and hang it on the bag rack.
"I'm going to help Jason wash the car, can I tell him about your, somewhat ridiculous, plan?" I ask. She looks up at me and doesn't say anything, contemplating her answer.

"Hey he could help us find someone," she shrugs, a small smile on her face. I roll my eyes playfully and exit back out of the house.

"Hey would you possibly be able to back the car on to the lawn for me?" He asks.

"Yeah sure," I answer, walking towards his Jeep when I'm grabbed by the arm and spun around. "What are y-" my squeal is interrupted by his lips on mine, as he pulls me towards him so
I'm arched backwards over his arm. "What was that for?" I ask smiling, my hand around the back of his neck.

"Just because I love you," he smiles, pecking me on the nose. I stand up and kiss him again, biting his lip this time, which I know he loves me doing.

"And I love you." As I walk away he slaps my bum and I narrow my eyes at him. "Keep your hands to yourself boy." I demand, and he smirks in return.

I hop in the car as he disappears behind the building. I back up out of the driveway and park on the lawn, killing the engine. I get out of the car and make sure all the doors are completely shut before unwrapping the hose from its rack.

"Fill me up would you?" He asks, placing a bucket down in front of me. I fill it up with water as he pours whatever car washing liquid it is into the water.

"That smells great," I comment. He wets the two sponges in the soapy water and hands one to me. "Oh, and don't you dare think of throwing your sponge at me again. I'm the one in charge of the hose this time." I smirk. He puts his hands up in defence as a cheeky smile forms on his lips.


*The next day*

I hear the front door open and close, as footsteps follow down the hallway and stop once they reach my bedroom.

"Hello," I say, without turning my back, knowing that's it's Danielle arriving home from school. "How did your classes go?" I ask.

"I tried flirting in English and Lit, with some of Louis' friends while he was sitting next to me." She explains. I turn around on my swivel chair to face her.

"And?" I push, interested in the topic of discussion.

"And he hardly reacted. At first he kind of looked at me as if to say 'what the are you doing?' And then he just sat there, writing notes and shit and hardly said a word." She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest as a sign of frustration.

"Maybe that's his way of dealing with jealousy?" I suggest. She gives it some thought, then shakes her head.

"Maybe," she thins her lips into a line, not seeming to agree with that possibility at all.

"What did you do exactly? To flirt with these guys I mean?" I lean back in my chair and lift my knee up to my chest, already amused by the first step out of three she has planned out.

"Okay," she sits down on my bed before continuing. "I started talking to this guy named Liam, and I was asking him all about himself and stuff-"

"Ah-ha, the old 'becoming so interested in a guy's life' trick." I smirk. "Nice opener."

"Thank you. Then I started laughing a little bit, but I'm a horrible fake laugher so it didn't work that well. Then I invited one of them, I don't even remember who to be honest, over for drinks."

"You what?" I ask, sitting up in my chair.

"I was just trying to spice it up even more." She confesses.

"You can't take it any further with one of the guys that you're supposed to just be flirting with. I'm only letting you go out with someone if they know the reason why." I tell her firmly. We've already been over this, I don't know why she's trying to make it more complicated now.

"I know I know. I'll probably tell him I have to work or something." She says.

"Make sure you're careful with this, sometimes a bit of harmless flirting can go further than you intended it to in the first place." I warn her, and she rolls her eyes. I can't get over her new attitude, I'm kind of hoping it's just a one time occurrence, I like the sensible Nell.

"I am being careful, trust me. I like Liam as a friend." She confesses. I give her one last look before swivelling around in my chair to face my laptop screen.

"If you say so. I need to finish studying though so it would be greatly appreciated if you could keep relatively quiet if you're going to be staying in here." I tell her.

"Oh yeah, one last thing. I'm planning to have the next part of the plan take place this Friday if that's alright, out to Evolution again."

"That should be alright," I agree.

"Okay cool. I'm going to ask Lana and Emma as well, we haven't hung out with them for a while." She admits, and I think about it myself.

"Fair enough call, should be a good night."

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