Twenty Six- A Tatoo A Bucket List And A Dream Catcher.

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"Logan! I haven't seen you in like, what.. Two weeks? How you been bro?" He asked as he eyed Logan and me.

"Rocky, this is London." he grinned and did that stupid boy hug, "Been busy man. Are there any rooms free?" He asked as he looked at him, then me.

"Yeah the back room's empty. Go on through. Nice to meet you London." He said, causing me to give him a grin.

We walked through a pair of swinging doors and entered what I assumed was the back room.

Inside was a black leather reclining dentist chair which say next to a tattoo gun. The room was all white, and smelt squeaky clean, reminding me of a hospital operating theatre.

"Lie down on your side and put the eye mask on. I'm gonna trace my sketch and we'll get started." Logan said as he say down at a desk that was covered in tiny pots of coloured ink.

"Logan, I don't think I can do this." I whimpered, feeling a panic attack about to start up.

"Stop being the drama queen I always knew you were and take off your pants. Your going to be fine and love me for this." He said as he continued to trace.

"Take of my pants? Your joking right?" I yelled.

"No, I need you to take of your trousers and put this on. The tattoo is going to be quite big." He said as he threw me a pair of hot pants and nodded over to a changing screen in the corner of the room.

I frowned, narrowing my eyes into slits, "Please remind me why I've agreed to this again?"

I changed into the very revealing pair of shorts, laid down and slipped the eye mask on, ignoring the screaming voice in my head that was telling me to make a run for it.

Five minutes later I felt Logan lift up the side of my top and pull my bottoms down a fraction.

I heard him chuckle as he poured something cold on my hip and wiped my from the upper part of my leg to my rib cage.

"Erm, how big is this tattoo exactly?" I sighed.

"Just relax, please. I don't no how many times I have to tell you to trust me." He sighed.

"I swear to god if you tattoo your face to my hip I will stab you." I yelled, but was cut off by his hand on my mouth.

"Just shush with the empty threats already. Your going to be fine." He said as he pressed what I guessed was his traced sketch to my skin and peeled it off.

I kept quite, not being able to speak as he started up the tattoo gun and slowly pressed it to my skin.

The pain wasn't what I expected at all. It didn't exactly hurt, just burned really. More uncomfortable than painful.

"You no, getting a tattoo was on my bucket list." I said over the buzzing sound of the needle as he worked away.

"Really? What else is on there?" He asked as started working on my ribs.

"There's fourteen things I want to do before I die." I said between wincing.

"First, I want to tell my gran kids my story. Second, I want a love like in the movies.."

"Wait, you.. Want love? Well, that's even more shocking than Miss goody two shoes wanting a tattoo." Logan laughed.

"Yeah, like Allie and Noah in the notebook or Jack and Rose in titanic. If I have anything close to that I'd die a happy girl. Real, raw love. The 'I'd die for you type."

"Cute." Logan teased, "Okay. What else?"

"Three, see my mum again. Four, be kissed in front of a big crowd. Five, be in a broadway show. Six, change someone's life."

"You've changed mine. Your a complete pain in the arse.." He joked over the buzzing of the needle.

I rolled my eyes despite the fact he couldn't see, "Seven, be someone else for the day. Eight, see it snow on Christmas. Nine, make a scrapbook. Ten, get a pet pig. Eleven, bury a time capsule and dig it up when I'm older. Twelve, be a bridesmaid at someone's wedding. Thirteen, give blood. And very recently added, Fourteen, get a tattoo."

Logan was deep in thought for so long I thought he didn't hear me, "What would you call the pig?" He asked.

"Really? It took you ten minutes for a reply like that?" I laughed, "I'd call it Castor Pollux"

"Why would you call a pig after the Gemini star?" He asked frowning.

"I remember the night of the meteor shower. You told me the name and I kind of liked it ever since."

"For that night not being a date, your sure remember a lot." He grinned, eyes still on my skin.

I blushed at his stupid comment, "Shut up, idiot."


Three and a half hours. Three and a half hours! That's how long I hate to sit statue like still with a needle ripping through my skin.

"It's finished." Logan whispered as he wiped my hip with some form of cold liquid and pulled my eye mask off, "You can look now."

"I'm to scared to." I whispered, frozen in my chair.

Logan rolled his eyes and pulled me up. He lead me to a full length mirror and stood beside me with a wary expression.

I took a large gulp of air and let my eyes wander down my body.

My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at the large dream catcher that was positioned on the right side of my body.

It was amazing. So incredibly detailed and delicate, from the circular web to the feathers attached to rope that hung down and stopped on my hip, the beads gently placed throughout the criss cross of the web. Everything about it was beautiful.

I cocked my head to the size and hovered my fingers above it, stupidly thinking that if I touched it I'd smudge it and ruin this spectacular piece of artwork.

"London, say something. Your scaring me." Logan whispered.

"I think this is the best gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you so much. You are one truly amazing human being." I grinned as I pulled him into a hug, careful not to knock my side.

I felt his body relax and he let out a breath of air he's been holding in. "I thought you was going to say you didn't like it." He said, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.

"How could I not love it. It's amazing. Why a dream catcher though?" I asked as I turned back to the mirror to examine it some more.

"Because dream catchers take the negative stuff away, and let the good dreams through. And that's what New York has done for you, made you let go of all the negative stuff in your life and let you create a summer to remember. And you yourself are a dream catcher, clutching on to yours with both hands. It's symbolic." He shrugged.

I stared at him with my mouth physically hanging open. Who knew this incredibly complicated boy could be so sensitive. Today had allowed me to see a completely different side of Logan, and I was more than happy that I did.

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