chapter 8

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In the gym there were several pieces of exercise equipment Luke had never even seen before never mind used so he stuck to the treadmill and weight bench. As they all worked out shirts were gradually removed and it turned into a room of ripped torsos and flexing muscles. Five hours later when all eight of them were exhausted they got ice cold bottles of lager from the kitchen before Luke headed back to the apartment with the rest of 5sos trailing behind him. As he walked out there was once again a stream of camera flashes and paparazzi waiting for him but this time he heard a few questions being shouted from fans in the crowd and there was one question that was more of a statement really that stood out to him.

"If you and Ashton are a couple tweet something about pizza"

Luke found this hilarious and immediately went to his twitter account on his phone and typed out a quick tweet.

"Pizza with the lads tonight"

His feed immediately blew up with comments about Lashton and how it was all real. Luke realised he had just got himself into some deep shit.

Just to make it seem like his tweet wasn't a complete lie Luke grabbed two pizzas from the freezer and put them in the oven one was peperoni and the other was four cheeses with spicy ground beef.

Luke went back to twitter and found a load of tweets from fans about Lashton. Most of them were positive but there were also quite a few hate comments.





Luke had always been self-conscious about his weight but when he joined the 5sos boys that all disappeared but reading the hate comments made him go back to his old way of thinking and his old coping method.

Luke felt his wrists itch as he ran to the bathroom and bolted the door shut.

Luke frantically searched around the bathroom cupboards looking for his razor to make him feel the pain he deserves.

When he found it he wasted no time and pulled his hoodie off and immediately started swiping the blade across his wrists and arm. Blood trickled onto the floor as he continued to make cuts. He couldn't stop. He needed to feel the pain.

He deserved it.

When there was no more skin left untouched on his arms he put the razor down in the sink and hopped in the shower to wash away the blood. As soon as the water touched his body it turned dark pink mixing with the red of Luke's blood.

He left the shower and grabbed bandages from the bathroom cupboard before covering all of his cuts with Band-Aids and various other medical taping stuff. He put his clothes back on and went back to the kitchen making sure none of the bandages could be seen.

"Are you okay Lukey? You were in there for a long time"

"Yeah I'm fine I just had a nice shower"

Ash walked over and gave Luke a big hug.

He must have felt something under Luke's hoody because when they headed upstairs Ash raised Luke's sleeve.

"Hey Lukey, what's this on your arm?"



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