chapter 6

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Having arrived at Modest a couple of hours earlier than they were meant to, the boys had plenty of time to explore the offices and find out who some of the other people who had signed with Modest. After spending an hour pointlessly roaming around corridors they were finally called into an office to discuss their future with Modest Management. They entered the room and were greeted by a man with a moustache who vaguely resembled Luigi from super Mario bros.

"BOYS, it's great to finally meat you"

"Um, thanks we have been so excited to come over here since we got your email"

"Ah yes, we are here to discuss offering you a contract so you can join the Modest Management family"

"Oh my god that's incredible, what sort of contract?"

"We want you to sign a 5 year deal with us, we will produce 5 albums in five years and most likely do a world tour for every album, but we were thinking of getting you started by being one directions support act on their upcoming tour."

The guys quickly talked before turning round and accepting the offer.

"Great now we just need to go through the small details and the rule book before you physically sign the contract"


"But first how about we hear some of your songs live, we have all of the instruments set up in a studio next door"


They had prepared for this constantly but they were still their entire career hung in the balance and could never even start to begin if they don't do well in this performance.

The boys got to the instruments pre laid out for them and get ready to start singing.

"Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey"

"Simmer down, simmer down

They say we're too young now to amount to anything else

But look around

We work too damn hard for this just to give it up now

If you don't swim, you'll drown

But don't move, honey"

"You look so perfect standing there

In my American Apparel underwear

And I know now, that I'm so down

Your lipstick stain is a work of art

I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart

And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)"

"Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey

Hey, hey"

"Let's get out, let's get out

'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down

While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking

If I showed up with a plane ticket

And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it

Would you wanna run away too?

A Twist Of Fate [Lashton]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя