@Sannyaahhh(our own modern day belle)✍

Start from the beginning

My username is just an extended version of my middle name: Sanya.

Along with introducing myself, I am quite bad at creating creative usernames too, and so I tried the classic route of just keeping my real name as my username but both Jennise and Sanya were taken. In the end, Sannyaahhh was formed.

pt2: What are turn on's and off's of meeting a new person?

Being much of an introvert I do not meet a lot of new people in real life, but I suppose I could point out a couple of on's and off's. Meeting a new person becomes a 100 times better if she/he smiles a lot and jokes around, that eases my mind and I don't think myself to be a complete bore and socially awkward (which I suppose I actually am). It's also really comforting if the person tries to have eye contact. I realise that since I am quite shy I do not initiate eye contact a lot, and it helps when the other person does. It also helps if we have something in common! That would be awesome!

Alright, now it's the turn off's turn: I dislike when someone I just met act's like she/he is all that, I do not appreciate braggers, or people who start putting down Harry Potter or Twilight, or Nandos, or KFC. Like, no.

3. When, where, how and why you entered the world of writing? do you ever think of taking it as a career? why and why not?

Growing up I wrote poems. Not good ones, I'd like to add. But yes, I began with poems, and then threw in a hand at writing books but never ended up completing any. So, I didn't exactly begin writing until 2014. Quite recent, aye.

4. Give your hobbies, and favourites and things you hate. Give your strengths, weaknesses, pet peeves, hobbies, passion, dreams, desires

Hobbies: I love to write, and sing (in the shower), and read. I also love to eat, and sleep, and watch movies. Graphic designing is another thing that I hand a lot of my passion too, and occasionally, I make a trailer video or two. Bottom line, I am a very boring person.

My Favourite things: My family (Even though they are not things, I associate them with the word "favourite" so...), my best friend Saara, books, rain, Nandos, music, Lana Del Rey, Harry Potter, Twilight, Tom Felton, my books, libraries, my room, the shower, Photoshop, my combat boots, my iPhone, my laptop, my bed, my blankys, my pet stuffed tiger called Adams, my wrist watch (Which my dad bought me), my three dogs, holidays, and!... Henry Cavill!

Strengths: Personally I believe my biggest strength is my family, but if I were to evaluate myself in terms of strength, personality wise, I would say I'm always optimistic. I always have a backup plan when something fails. I am always a gracious receiver of failure when it smacks me in my face, but I don't even for a second give up. I'm quite alright with organizing days to do things, and even if my organization timetable crumbles down, I manage to pull things off anyway. I'm always honest when asked for advice, and I do not take tantrums for a minute!

Weaknesses: I forgive easily. There is no budgeting when it comes to buying books or food. I procrastinate. A LOT. And if I were to indulge you all more on this topic than I would have to kill you all because you would all know too much. I kid. Or do I? *wink wink*

Pet Peeves: Unfaithful little "loose pants", liars, braggers, self-centered people, aggressive people, men and women who hit their kids, partners, parents, siblings, etc, being taken for granted.

Passion, Dream & Desire: I hope to one day move to UK, and live a very peaceful life there amongst the beautiful sceneries and amazing variety of accents that I know all have such historically rich backgrounds to. I also wish to someday maybe publish my books, I mean who knows! I hope to have a comfortable home, car and a amazingly huge dog who I'd name Beta, and he'd be my best friend.

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