"Hey Chlo are you okay?" Nicki's voice floated to her. Nicki was hovering over her with a mug of something warm in hand.

Chloe looked up at her employer wondering how she slept knowing all that stuff about her kids. She wondered how she didn't worry herself to death thinking about them hurting each other. Chloe tried a smile. "I'm good Miss Minaj."

Nicki raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay if you're sure. Anyway Perrie is coming in a bit. You better look more alive than this. I'm going to Meek's suite for a bit. Call if you need anything. Sophie said she's on her way." With that Nicki headed towards the door.

"Hiya!" Perrie popped up from behind the couch startling Chloe half to death.

"Oh Perrie . . . hi." Chloe said with a hand on her chest. "Come round so we can start."

Perrie made her way to sit the couch. "Is tutoring going to be hard? Because school was hard . . . I don't like when things are hard."

Chloe was having a difficult time concentrating. She could hardly believe that Perrie was the reason for Princeton's injuries. Sophie had already known this fact so Chloe was on her own in the shock of this one.

"Is something wrong?" Perrie asked her with a tilted head.

Chloe gulped. Autistics were a lot of the time very good at reading people. She tried to perk up. "Everything is fine Perrie. Now what subject do you want to start with? I heard that you're dyslexic so do you wanna maybe read something for me?"

Perrie looked sad. "Do you hate me? Why do you look like you don't want to be my friend? I'm sorry if I did something wrong . . ."

"No no Perrie. I am your friend. I like you very much. Now let's read." Chloe practically melted. It was very hard to be apprehensive about safety when Perrie was looking that adorable and sad. She perked up considerably. She could do this.

"Okay I could read you a story. Do you have a story you want me to read?" Perrie asked her with an almost blank expression on her face.

Chloe handed Perrie a kindergarden level story book. She wanted to start off with something easy even though Perrie was supposed to be doing second grade stuff. To her surprise Perrie read the story perfectly with no hesitation or pauses. "Wow Perrie that was great. Have you read this story before?"

Perrie shook her head. "I've never seen this book but I like it. It was fun."

Chloe gave her a first grade book then a second grade one. She read them both perfectly. Chloe was confused. It didn't seem that Perrie was dyslexic at all according to her reading. She by right shouldn't have even been able to read the second grade stuff since she was only starting second grade today.

"Perrie don't the letters look mixed up when you read?" Chloe asked her.

Perrie nodded. "Uh-huh. It's weird because sometimes if I see a sentence like 'He was big.' To me it looks like 'he was pig' or maybe 'he was dig' because the p and the b and the d all look a like and get mixed up in me head. So then I have to pick the one that makes sense. It can't be 'he was pig' because if it was 'pig' there would be an 'a' in front of it like 'a pig'. And if it was 'dig' well it can't be that because it's a verb. So the only one that makes sense with the context is big so I choose that one!"

Chloe was taken aback. "Y-you do all that in your head in the span of a few seconds?"

"Well sometimes it's not that simple 'cause there might be lots of letters that don't make sense but yes I do it really quick. Sometimes I let my eyes read ahead before my mouth talks so that I can see the context." Perrie replied looking up at her with a thoughtful expression.

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