Chapter 10

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She felt as if her world had finally begun to fall apart

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She felt as if her world had finally begun to fall apart. It was as if, to her, the months she spent fighting back the monstrosity of her curse was nothing-that now it was beginning to rear its ugly head, and the pack was going to be on the receiving end of such a thing.

As much as she wanted to blame it all on someone else, she knew that she couldn't. All that blood was on her hands.

She had to rig this fight. Someway, somehow, she had to make Bo win. He deserved this title, so much more than she did.

She sat in the middle of his bed-once again wondering why he'd given up something so soft for something so stiff like the couch he forced himself to sleep in-wide awake. How could she when she could still hear the brazen shouts from her most recent victims? It caused her to shiver when their words echoed in her head, a haunting memory just like the rest of them.

"Hang her," Richard had spewed out.

Surprisingly, that was the innocent one.

Desperate to tear those thoughts away, she did as any bored woman would do; she rummaged through his cabinets again, looking for something to peck at. His box of Graham Crackers was still open, haphazardly lying about as if he wanted her to take another one. She wanted to, but after his warning of adding a measly six dollars to her four hundred dollar debt caused her to pluck her fingers away from the box and opting to eat yet another carrot. She felt like a rabbit as she took a bite.

Her nerves felt on edge.

How much longer did she have before she had to fight against Bo for a title she didn't deserve? It would be hours before the Elders arrive, and a few hours more before the actual tribunal itself. There were preparations that had to be made; promises that had to be kept.

And Bo was so at ease about it all, that it only caused Saoirse to become more unnerved. While he slept soundly, she wanted to tear her hair out one thick lock at a time. It just wasn't fair in the slightest. But she should be grateful, at least-only one of them was going crazy, and it was the one that truly should be.

She slid down against one of the cabinets until her bottom hit the floor with a soft thud.

Out of all the Wildlings in the world, it had to be her that screwed things up. It couldn't have been someone else. She couldn't have just lost herself in peace-no, she had to make things difficult. She had to make it hard for the rest of her pack, too.

Even if this was the sanest she's ever been.

She heard him jostle about, moving from one uncomfortable position to the next. To Bo, this must be another day. He was trained to deal with these problems; he had to be the level-headed one in certain situations. How can she be expected to think like that, when the moment her heart started to race her vision became clouded by shadows?

"Just a few more hours," she assured herself. "Then I'm going rogue."


"You're asking me if there's a way you can forfeit." Ellis was skeptical. He snorted, "I thought you and Bo figured it all out?"

Little Bit Dangerous | 1 | TO BE PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now