SuperJunior - Ryeowook

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AN: This one shot is based back when SuperJunior first debuted (facts,songs and members will be all muddled up as to fit the story aaaaand, i don't know the full history of SUJU - Sorry,Sorry!)


"Gracy, hi, we've come up with an idea on how to promote your debut album! Please, take a seat."

Those were the words that CEO Lee Soo Man spoke to me as I entered his office. You could already see the dollar signs in his eyes, but hey this is my dream!

"Really?" I asked, sitting in the chair that sat opposite his desk, "That's great"

"So recently, we debuted a boy band, as you know, and they're going to be filming a music video for their song 'Sorry Sorry' " he  smiled.

"Ah, Superjunior!" i exclaimed, accidentally letting my fan girl side slip.

"Deh! Since their fame and popularity is rising quickly, we're going to cast you as the main actor in their new MV" he told me, handing over a small contract, "We just need you to sign this so we can transfer the money to your account"

Picking up the contract I skimmed over the financial information and read the conditions below;

1) I, Gracy, will participate in SuperJunior's new Music Video 'Sorry, Sorry'

2) I, Gracy, will give SuperJunior the majority of the credit for their new Music Video 'Sorry, Sorry'

3) I, Gracy, will participate in all of SuperJuniors' stage performances for their new song 'Sorry, Sorry'

"Stage performances?" I asked, reading the third condition aloud.

"Of course!" he exclaimed, "You'll be able to get the full experience before debuting as a solo artist. It helps to boost your confidence" he nodded handing me a pen so I could sign on the dotted line.

"When do rehearsals start?" My soon to be manager asked as he stood behind me.

"Tomorrow, 9am. So get some sleep, 'cause you'll need it!" and with that i was excused from Soo Man's office, along with my manager.


"Ok, and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, and 1, and 2, and 3, and 4!" The choreographer yelled over the music. Super Junior were rehearsing the dance moves for the stage performance that was coming up. I was stood outside the practise room with my manager, waiting for them to finish.

"What does my schedule look like oppa?" I asked, leaning over my managers shoulder to read his diary.

"Let's see" he sang, flipping through the pages, "You have rehearsals all this week, 9am 'til 10pm. On Saturday you're recording the music video - that's an all day event - and then the first stage performance is next Tuesday, so that leaves you....with two days rest!" he chirped, smiling at me.

"Bwoyah? I only get two days? What's with that?" i asked.

"You better get use to it if you want to be a star!" a voice exclaimed from behind me. I spun 'round to see Ryeowook leaning on the door frame to the studio. His hair was drenched in sweat, and he held a water bottle in one hand, as the other slightly adjusted his beanie.

"Oh, annyeonghaseyo" I bowed quickly, making sure to cover my blush with my hair.

"Annyeong" he laughed, "Hyung, i'll be taking Gracy from you!" he told my manager before grabbing my arm and pulling me into the dance studio.

"Oppa annyeong!" I bid goodbye, hearing the door slam shut behind me.

"Guys, this is Gracy. She's going to be working with us on our music video" Ryeowook's voice rang throughout the room. The boys who were scattered around the room turned to face us.

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