Chapter Fourteen

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"Let us through," Lexa ordered. "We have urgent business we need to attend to."

The guards made no move to obey her.

"Heda, there is a bad storm brewing and we cannot let you go. You must stay here and wait it out."

Lexa impatiently sighed, "I have ridden in bad weather before, it does not phase me."

The guards shared a look before turning back to her. "This is different. This one is worse than other storms. We've just received a report from Oromis who rode in here an hour ago. He said he had to ride faster than the wind to be ahead of it."

Lexa clenched her fists in frustration. They couldn't afford to waste time!

Roan stepped forward. "Let me go Heda. I have nothing to loose and besides, I know my mother better than anyone. I'll see how far I can ride before I hit the storm. If I haven't found her by morning I'll return and we can go back out together."

Lexa frowned, clearly not satisfied but knowing she had to be. They sometimes got horrific storms and if one was coming then it was best for her to stay here.

"Very well. Thank you Roan."

Roan nodded and the guards let him pass. Lexa watched him gallop off into the distance before turning to Octavia.

"I am going to go back to my room for awhile and I would advise you to do the same. Try to stay away from the clan leaders until I am able to talk to them."

Octavia shook her head in agreement.

"We'll find her Lexa, don't worry. It's Clarke we are talking about, she won't give into anything."

Lexa smiled sadly and tried to find comfort in Octavia's words. She knew the poor girl was just as worried as she was. They walked back to her home together and then parted ways. Octavia told her that she would be happy to put the horses away and Lexa was more than happy to let her do it. She said goodbye to Octavia and then headed straight to her room. She knew she needed to tell Arya about the change of plans and come up with something to explain to the leaders, but she just needed a moment. She fell back onto her bed, not even bothering to take off her boots. She stretched her back and closed her eyes, praying that Roan would be able to find Clarke. She didn't know how long she lay there, but she finally decided that she needed to get up and do something. She had just opened her eyes when she heard the scream. At first she thought she had imagined it, she was tired and stressed after all. But then it came again, louder and more shrill. Bolting upright she looked around. The sound seemed to be coming from her right, but when she moved in that direction it seemed to move until it sounded like it was coming from the left side of the room. The cries grew more frantic and Lexa's heart beat faster and faster with each passing second. She desperately paced around the room, trying to find where the screams were coming from.


Lexa froze dead in her tracks. She could recognize that voice anywhere. Clarke. A new wave of adrenaline shot through her and she ran from her room. She sprinted up and down the halls, trying to detect where the noise was coming from. The farther from her room she got the quieter the screams became, but when she was in her room it sounded like they were coming from all directions.

"Clarke!" Lexa yelled, spinning in circles in the middle of the room. Where the hell is she? "Clarke!!" Each cry tore through her like a cold blade. And then, just as fast as it had started, it stopped. Lexa collapsed to her knees. She was breathing fast, too fast, but she couldn't slow it down. Stars materialized in front her eyes right before everything went black.

When she came to she was back lying on her bed. Her travel garments had been removed, leaving her with minimal clothing on. Octavia was gently wiping her forehead with a wet cloth. She tried to sit up but hands were placed on her shoulders, pushing her back down.

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