Chapter Twenty Five

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(Lexa's POV)

She walked over and slipped an arm quietly around Clarke's waist, reminding her that they were sharing the position of leadership together, not alone. Ever since her outburst a few days ago, Lexa knew that constant reminders of her love and support were necessary at this point in time. For as long as she could remember, Lexa had led alone. She knew her responsibilities, she solely carried the burden of her decisions, and she built up walls to protect herself. The helplessness Clarke continued to be confronted with was more than familiar to Lexa. The difference between this time and every other moment of her life, however, was the fact that she finally believed she was no longer alone. For the first time, Lexa had someone to share her struggles with. Knowing you're not the only person faced with a difficult task or decision, or even knowing that someone understands what you're going through, makes a world of difference. Now, it was her job to keep reminding Clarke that they were in this together.

"What are you doing all alone in this room? Don't you want to come to bed? Sleep is important you know."

She felt Clarke nuzzle into her, but she didn't lift her eyes from the pieces of paper scattered in front of her.

"I'm just going over the plan again. I'm worried we missed something. I need to make sure we have thought of absolutely everything before we leave on this mission."

Lexa couldn't help but laugh, a sound that finally made Clarke turn around and look at her in confusion.

"What? What's so funny to you?"

"Oh nothing," Lexa smirked, "you're just reminding me of the night before we attacked Mount Weather. When I wanted to kiss you but was too nervous. You remember that?"

This time, Clarke was the one to smirk. "How could I forget?"

"And you remember what I told you that night?"

"That tiring myself with questions already asked and answered was a waste of energy?"

"Exactly. So, come sleep. Please."

Clarke shook her head. "That feels like so long ago. A different world. A lot has happened since then."

Lexa nodded silently.

"Can we quickly discuss the plan once more? Then I'll come to bed. I promise."

Sighing, Lexa gave in.

"Sure, but quickly."

"Okay. Scout and her team will bring us the airplane we will use to get to the colony of survivors in the morning. We will load it with supplies as quickly as possible. The rescue team that we've established are the only people coming with us. Raven is our pilot. We are assuming the survivors will have the runway cleared off for our landing, if not, there is an open field a few miles off we can make an emergency landing in if we have to. Once on the ground..."

Lexa found herself leaning her head on Clarke's shoulder as she spoke, slowly tuning her out. They had done nothing but plan for the last few days and she was getting tired of it. Having a plan was necessary, but in reality, they had absolutely no clue what they were going to find when they arrived. All she knew was that they needed to find the cure to the disease they were all infected with. Supposedly the colony of survivors had the cure, but Lexa was doubtful that there were many people left. She still couldn't believe that after all these years, the stories of the crazy, washed up, sailor Anya had told her about were more than stories. The poor man had been telling the truth and nobody believed him. Suddenly, she realized Clarke had stopped speaking. Instead, her girlfriend was staring at her with raised eyebrows.

"And that," Lexa realized she needed to speak, "is how we save our people from the brain-eating disease that will kill all of humanity."

            Clarke narrowed her eyes. "Were you even paying attention to anything I said?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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