The woman tried to scream but one of the boys put his dirty hands on her mouth.

I could feel anger coursing through my veins. The though of them or anyone forcing themselves on someone makes me angrier.

I grab the guys wrist making them stop from opening the door that leads to the exit. I saw the woman's expression turn to relief.

The woman looks beautiful. She is short but it makes her look more beautiful for me for some unknown reason. She has brown hair cascading down her shoulder,her alluring brown eyes met mine making me feel something I only felt with my ex's.

"What the Fuck do you want?" The bald guy spat while his lackies held the girls arm preventing her from escaping. One of the lackies put his hand over the girls mouth preventing her from screaming for help.

"Sir,will you please let her go and we will just all forget about this." I said through gritted teeth. I was gonna ask nicely but my anger took control of me.

The bald guy which I assume is the leader look at me then at his men laughing at me with his men.

I could literally felt my vein pop in anger while my fist clench and unclench in anger. I never felt this immense anger towards another person before but I guess theres a first time for anything.

"Are you kidding me kid? You won't even gonna survive a second with my men." The bald guy said with an evil grin but I was unaffected by it because of my anger. I just gave him a bored look making his evil grin dropped.

"You really think you can beat me and my men kid? Then you must be crazy." I could tell he was being serious.

I even know I am gonna lose to him and his fucking stupid gang but I am gonna save the beautiful woman one way or another.

I gotta think of a plan but I must distract the bald guy and his two idiots that he calls his men.

"Yes I think I can take you and your stupid friends." I said confidently.

I saw the bald guy opening his mouth to say something but his so called men interrupted him.

"We are not stupid!" They replied.

"Oh really?" I ask with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.

"For the last time we are not stupid!" The guy with a nose ring said while the bald guy looks at me intently.

Shit,I gotta think of a plan now. I thought.

I rack my brain for anything but I only could thought of one.

I really hope this works. I thought.

With a brave heart,I put all of my anger and force on my right fist and released on the bald guy knocking him out.

I let out a sigh of relief.

I look at the faces of his so called men and their looks are so priceless,they looked so shock that their mouth and eyes were so wide open that a fly could go inside.

I look at the beautiful woman who was as shock as the lackies making me chuckle but it stop as soon as it started because of the situation.

"Listen here boys,NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER FORCE YOURSELF ON ANYONE AND I MEAN ANYONE EVER AGAIN OR I WILL BEAT YOU UP SO GOOD THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO USE A WHEELCHAIR FOR THE REST OF YOUR PATHETIC LIVES!" I said in anger. They shook in fear making me smirk in satisfaction. They nod their head so fast that it looks like someone move it for them.

"NOW LEAVE!"I yelled out as I pointed the door which had a sign that read exit. They nodded their head with fear as they carried the bald guy and ran as fast as Flash.

I look at the gorgeous woman who ran to me and engulfed me in a big hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She kept repeating but my mind was somewhere else.

She is hugging me. A gorgeous woman is hugging me. Its not like everyday a gorgeous woman hugs you. The last time someone gorgeous hug me was my ex's.

"It was really no problem...." I waited for her to say her name.

"Ally Brooke Hernandez." She gave me a smile as bright as the sun.

Her name sound so familiar though. I thought.

"Why won't you hang out with me and my friends tonight as a thank you?" She ask shyly making me chuckle as she blush.

"Sure" I gave her a smile.

She grab my hand and drag me to a table with more beautiful women but she stop making me confuse.

"What's your name?" She ask with a confuse face which made my heart melt at the adorableness.

"Y/N Y/L/N" I gave her a toothy grin which made her chuckle.

We finally arrive at her table and let me tell you they are all gorgeous.

"Y/N meet Camila,Lauren,Dinah,and Normani."

Flashback over.

"Y/N we have arrive." Y/B/N said as she park the car.

I wonder what adventure lies for today?

-Hey guys and girls early update for you people because my book just reached a 1,020 reads and 121 votes and 16 comments. This is a thank you chapter for you my readers :). Until next update.


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