Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Elizabeth

The high pitched sound of the bell rang throughout the school, signalling to the students that school was now over.

Niall had a paper to do for English that was worth half of his grade for this semester. He silently hummed as he made his way towards the school library. The sound of his angelic voice echoing through the empty corridors.

When he finally arrived at the library, he took a seat on one the old chairs. He pulled out his phone and texted Jake telling him that he would be in the library.

He looked around, trying to find a decent book to do his essay on. When he couldn't find a book, he groaned and sat down once again.

"Need any help?" A soft voice spoke, causing Niall to jump.

"You scared me half to death Harry." Niall gasped. "But on the other hand, yes i do. I have to do a paper for Ms. Rowland."

"Okay, does it have to be a specific genre?" Harry questioned.

"I don't think so..." Niall wandered off. "I just remember her saying that it has to be based on a story or play and that it has to be from over a hundred years ago."

"I can work with that." Harry smiled. "How about Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare?"

Niall thought for a moment. "Will you help me with the research?"

"Of course."

"In that case..." Niall paused. "Sure."

"Okay then, follow me."

Niall followed Harry towards the computer labs. Harry took a seat and patted the seat next to him for Niall.

The blonde sat down in the chair and scooted closer to Harry. He watched as Harry tried to find a decent website.

Harry's eyebrows were furrowed and he held a slight pout on his lips.

"I think I found something." Harry spoke, causing Niall to take his eyes off of the younger boy's face and to focus on the computer screen.

"Great, let's get reading."

The two took turns reading to one another.

After they were done reading they looked towards one another and gasped.

Harry felt a tear make it's way down his cheek, landing on his dress pants. He brought his sleeve up to his face and wiped away the tears.

"Aw, is little Harry crying?" Niall teased.

Harry frowned slightly. "That was sad."

"Oh man up." Niall punched Harry's shoulder lightly.

"It'd be nice to have a love connection like theirs." Harry sighed. "You know, without the dying."

"Then why don't you?" Niall questioned, obviously confused.

"Because no one likes me." Harry looked away.

"Harry, look at me." Niall demanded.

Harry listened and faced Niall, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Don't you ever say that Harry. Anyone would be lucky to have you. You are smart, funny, and genuine. Don't you ever doubt yourself."

Harry blushed and lightly bit his bottom lip. "Thank you."

The two found themselves leaning in. Harry's eyes flicked down to Niall's lips as he smiled ever so slightly.

Niall quickly realized what they were doing and he jumped up from his chair.

"Um, I think that's enough research for today." Niall coughed awkwardly. "I'll see you later."

Niall gathered his stuff an made his way out of the library. He sprinted down the corridors, ignoring the calls from Harry.

He made his way towards his motorcycle and drove away without looking back.


Niall's POV

"Harry isn't that bad guys." I tell my friends Zayn and Louis.

"How would you know?" Louis replies.

"I just know, maybe you guys should at least try to be nice to him." I try to convince them.

"As if, I would never hang out with a dork." Zayn replies bluntly.

"What do you guys have a against him?" I ask the two.

"Nothing." Louis says. "It's just that we could never hang out with the lower class."

"Yeah." Zayn agrees. "We have a reputation to keep up. So if you want to remain popular then I suggest you stay away from that nerd."

I roll my eyes in annoyance. They can't even give him a chance.

I know better than to judge someone by their appearance. I hate it when they do that to me so I have to be fair.

"I can't believe you guys." I shake my head in disapproval. "You guys said that you hated it when people judged you by your appearance."

"That was almost three years ago Niall, before the tattoos and piercings." Zayn answers.

"Yeah, now everyone thinks we are hot." Louis fist pumps Zayn.

"Alright." I huff in defeat. There is no way I'm going to convince these guys. "Well, I'm going to go home now."

"Alright, bye mate." Zayn says.

"Yeah, I'll see you later Niall." Louis replies.

I make my way out of Zayn's house and hop onto my motorcycle.

My mind drifts off to when me and Harry almost kissed.

What if I didn't pull away? Would Harry pull away? Would we have kissed? Would I have liked it?

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