I stroll out into the hallway and into Duff's room. I notice he isn't in here, but when I hear the sink turn on, I know he'll be in soon. I flop onto his bed and lay on my back, staring at the ceiling.

It isn't more then 30 seconds before he comes in.

"Want another beer?" he asks me.

"That depends. Will it knock me out enough to not have to deal with Axl?" I question with a laugh.

He grabs a bottle and pops the top for me. "It can't hurt to try."

I take the bottle from his hand and down half of it straight away. It would be the same thing as always-sleeping in bed with Axl while wishing I was in Duff's.

I watch Duff as he slides his boxers on and fixes his still damp hair. When he's finished, he lays next to me on the bed, draping his arm around my lower waist.

"You know you'd look better in my shirt." he says with his head resting comfortably on my stomach.

"Or no shirt at all." I manage to say, and Duff laughs.

"Yeah. That would be fucking amazing." he responds.

A silence takes over us because we both know what's next. We have to say goodbye and act like we barely know each other. I didn't want to go.

"You coming to the gig tonight?" he asks.

"What gig?" I question.

"We have one at the Troubadour tonight. Axl didn't tell you?"

"No he didn't." I bat my lashes in anger.

"Yeah it's a big deal. We have to go to a listening party first for the new album, and then we have a gig there at the Troubadour. I'm surprised Axl didn't tell you." he says.

"I'm not." I remark.

I stare at the ceiling blankly trying to figure out why I wasn't informed of this sooner. Why wouldn't Axl tell me about the party for the very first Guns N' Roses album?

"You should come." Duff says, lighting a cigarette. He takes a drag. "Fuck Axl. I'd be lucky to have you on my arm all night- but then again, if you were, we probably wouldn't make it all night." he chuckles and so do I.

"I've gotta work. Maybe if I can get out early I'll show up." I answer.

Silence ensues once more, and I look down at Duff, who is looking up at me. I shoot him a little smile.

"Today was really great." I say.

"It was fucking amazing, Ana." he says, and with my name rolling off his tongue, I want to jump him again right then and there.

He shimmies closer to my head and connects my eyes with his. "No one else." he says.

"No one else makes me feel like you do, Ana. Not a single person I've ever met makes me go crazy like you do. Today was better then I could have ever imagined. You're fucking amazing." he says again.

I smile. "I love you, Duff."

"I love you, too, Ana." he says, and his lips are suddenly on mine. His tongue finds solace in my mouth and without a thought, we're getting too touchy all over again.

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