Chapter Thirteen; Blake

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My eyes opened slowly. A large weight was on my knees. I looked down to find that Christina was laid on my lap with Crimson blood trickling out of a wound in her shoulder.

"Christina!" I tried to yell through the fabric in my mouth. My hands were bound behind my back so I couldn't hold her. The bullet had snapped Her right collarbone, leaving her in an enormous amount of pain. Christina had jumped I front of me to stop the bullet from hitting me.

Anne, who was behind me cut the rope around my wrists so that I could tend to the young woman who I loved dearly who lay wounded in front of me. With one hand, I pulled the fabric that tied around my mouth down to around my neck, while the other took Christina under her arms and held her up.

I sat cross legged with Christina sat in my lap and her head rested against my shoulder. Carefully, I took the fabric out of her mouth and let it hang around her neck and I got Anne to cut the rope that bound Christina's hands together.

Christina had a small smile speaks on her lips as her bright eyes stared into mine. Her lips trembled as she tried to speak but I cut her off with a soft kiss. "Your going to be fine" I whispered, brushing some of Christina's loose hair out of her face.

Sophia came running over with tears in her eyes, holding a first aid kit. "We can't do this here" Sophia said under her breath. With a serious expression she mouthed "we have to go."

I glanced over to see who else was shot. I sighed and a painful cramp when through my heart. Thomas lay in Leonardos arms with his hand against the side of Leo's face. Leo had tears in his eyes as his hand lay on top of Thomas's that was on the side of Leo's face. The bullet had gone straight into Thomas's throat and blood oozed out.

They kissed as Thomas took his last breath and Leo hugged his limp body against his own.

"There's a working car just around the back. I'll go get a few others, but only five of us can go" sophia said standing up and walking off. I carefully lifted Christina in my arms and stood up and quickly ran around the back. A small dirty, yellow car sat around the back. I sat Christina and I in the back with Christina half on my lap and her head readying on my chest.

Jacob came running around the back with Charley in his arms and Sophia just behind him. Jacob put Charley in the passenger seat and sat in the drives seat and Sophia sat in the back on the other window seat.

The car keys were in the ignition as Jacob took off, driving on the grass. As we got on the road we were driving at a hundred and twenty miles and hour. We heard a a gunshot and a bullet went through the back window and straight through the front.

"Where are we going?" Jacob asked driving as fast as he could.

"New York."

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