Chapter Twelve; Blake

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We were stood outside with Rusty, his group and my group looking out on us. Everyone was shocked with what Anne had just said. Husband. How? What? When?

There was a few mumbled words exchanged between a few people before another moment of silence.

"My dear wife" Rusty began "what ever made you leave me? I'm sure these good people would like to know why you ran away from me."

"But if I do, they too might run away from you. After all, you, I and these two prisoners know what you do" there were more exchanging of words from the crowd.

Christina and I had cloths shoved in our mouths so that we couldn't speak. Christina tried saying something but it only came out in muffles but she sounded very angry.

"Hush child" Rusty snapped at Christina.

"Don't touch her!" I tried saying but it still came out as muffles.

"What is up with you teenagers? I say to be quiet you go ahead and continue to make noise. I honestly fear for the next generation. If we ever have one" Rusty say waving his hands around dramatically.

My breathing rate was increasing the more Rusty babbled on about things that weren't important. I noticed Christina also trying to breathing steadily.

"You know what? I'm tired of all this same old crap. Let's get the party started" Rusty pulled out two glocks from behind his jeans and pointed one towards the group by the door and the other towards us then shot. I didn't get a glimpse of who was shot as the sound of the gun shook my head, but all I heard were screams before passing out.

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