Chapter Four Blake

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Christina was asleep on my back, in a piggy back. Her head was rested on my right shoulder as she peacefully slept. The group was walking Timothy back to his group before making our way to New York, as it was on the way there.

"Is she heavy?" Charley asks, pushing a strand of Christina's hair behind her ear.

"No she's quite light. She hasn't been eating lately, she's been refusing when I tell her to eat."

"When she's sleeping, she's so much less intimidating" Charley and I laugh.

"She's easier to spy on when she's asleep. She's quite beautiful when she is."

"You really like her don't you?" Charley asks smiling.

"Yeah, I guess I do. Well, I have for a long time" I feel my cheeks turn red.

"INCOMING CRAWLERS!" I hear Jacob yell from the front of the group. Christina sits up immediately, alert, ready for battle.

"You were awake through that whole conversation?" I put her down.

"Yeah, I was" she winks at me "maybe I should stay awake through most of your conversations" she smiles, pulling out her gun from behind her jeans.

I pull out my gun and we all start shooting at the herd of crawlers. There was about sixty of them. From above they looked like a large wave, rolling down the hill. Crawlers were hard to kill, their shells on their backs were hard to break. Christina tried to take a step but the pain stopped her the hard way. "Chris, you can't walk, don't try!" I shout over the sound of guns firing.

"I'm all out!" She yells, putting her gun in the back of her jeans. Bending down, she pulled out the long knife in her boot. She kept her twisted ankle up off the floor. Her hands were tainted black from the blood of the last crawler she killed, that caused her ankle to roll.

I thought she was going to jump on the up coming crawler, but in the last split second before she would have been trampled, she ducked down and held out her knife, chopping off, all of one side of the crawlers legs. The crawler rolled on his side before Christina could decapitate the beast, killing the creature the fastest way possible. Black oozing blood spilled from where the head sat.

Christina did the same thing, beast, after beast, after beast until there was no more left. Her hands and body were splattered with black blood. And her face was smudged where she had wiped her dirty hands.

"What the hell was that?" I storm over to her.

"Me being heroic and helping save our lasting survivors before the human race is extinct" she says firmly.

"You could have died!" I yell at her.

"Handicapped or not, I will do what I have to, to keep you all safe!"

"What if I loose you, huh?"

"We loose lots of people! We found that out the hard way!" She snapped back.

"Well, I can't loose you!"

"Why not? I'm just another stupid human on this stupid planet called dirt!"

"You know exactly why!"

She choked on her oxygen "well... Well... Stop then! Sooner or later one of us will be gone!" She tried walking but failed, falling to the floor. She screamed in frustration and sat up. I walked over to help her, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" She yelled at me. She tried to stand up without any help but the pain in her ankle stopped her. She groaned in frustration than breathed slower to calm herself down. "Can I please have some help?" I took a step closer "not you Blake" she didn't look at me as if she was avoiding me.

"You can ride in the ute if you want?" Jacob asked. Christina shook her head. "Your going to have to make a decision soon."

Christina gave me a cold look before holding out her hand, wanting me to help her up. I gave her a piggyback ride for a few hours until Timothy told us we were getting close.

We were I front of a large grey warehouse. Two guards stood out front, guarding the two large doors, leading inside. "STOP! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" One of them yelled. They both had their guns aimed towards us.

"We mean you no harm. We only came to give back one of your men, that wandered into our base" Blake spoke up as Timothy walked towards the doors. A man comes out from behind the door and whispers to one of the guards.

"Our leader wishes to speak with all of you."

"All twenty-nine of us?" I hold onto the side of Christina's waist to keep her steady, on her feet.

"Yes, all... Twenty-nine... Of you" he staggered.

We all walked into the large warehouse. Inside was a row of chairs on one side and beds and tables on the other. Candles lit the place up, due to the power loss and there was a few people scattered around.

"Welcome" a masculine voice said. A man was sat on a throne made of chairs and spears at the other end of the warehouse. "Now which one you you is the group leader?" The man had long chocolate brown hair, pulled into a man bun and glittery silver eyeliner decorated the bottom of his eyelids. He had a beard growing, but it was still only a stubble. His eyes were lime green and the man looked like he was in his early twenties.

"I am" I say placing Christina on a chair as we got closer to the man.

"There's quite a lot of you isn't there?" The man sat up straight.

"Yes, twenty-nine to be exact."

"The names Rusty, King Rusty" he poses on his chair. "Who's the little miss you carried in? She's quite pretty" he winked towards Christina's direction.

"Yes, Christina. She's my number two, my lieutenant" I made sure I put this King Rusty in his spot and that he noticed that if he touch Christina, he would have to deal with me.

"So, are you two like... A thing?"

"No" Christina butted in. I still glared at Rusty to make sure he didn't touch her. He looked from Christina to me, over and over, with a smile on his face.

"Stay for a while" he still had the smile on his face "I insist."

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