Chapter Six Christina

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The smell was unbearable. The sight was just as worse. Innocent people and children, hung up to the celling with limbs cut off. Who would do such a thing? It was horrible. I couldn't bare the sight, I walked out of the room and back into the armoury. "How... How..." I paced around the room trying to get the scene out of my head.

"I warned you. It's... It's... It's horrible. I don't know how someone could do such a thing" he closed the door to the bloody room.

"Or how someone could eat another person. It's disgusting and foul" I don't know why, but tears came to my eyes. I turned around, heading towards the door, taking four of the daggers off the wall, hiding them in the internal pockets of Blake's jacket, that I was wearing.

Charley was sat on one of the chairs, swinging her legs, looking bored. She noticed me crying as I sat down next to her. "What's wrong?" She sat up strait, turning to me.

I didn't want her knowing about what was in the room. She would end up worrying or telling the group. Mayhem would strike. "I uh... Blake and I got into a fight" I lied.

"Oh" she looked disappointed.

"Hey, it's okay" I wrap my arms around and pull her into a hug.

"How's the ankle?"

"All better, that stuffs a miracle"

"These people are super cool"

There was no way she was going to know what was in that room. "... Yeah... Cool. Hey, you wanna go for a walk?"

"That's all we do. Can't we do something different?" She moans.

"Okay, let's... Let's... Hmmmmm... What do you want to do?"

"I'm not sure. Let's-" BANG! A gun shot stopped her in mid sentence. Rusty and Blake were fist fighting fighting. Blake and Rusty had theirs hands around a gun fighting over it. They both bruises on their faces and bloody hands. "Chris..." Charley sounded worried and scared "Chris..." I turned to face her.

"Oh my god... Charley..." blood started pooling around her side. The bullet had hit Charley's left side, above her jeans. I quickly place my hands over the wound "BLAKE! SOPHIA!" Sophia came running over with a first aid kit.

"CHARLEY?!" Blake called out before being knocked out by Rusty, falling to the floor.

Two muscular men came and took Blake by his arms and dragged him into the armoury. I couldn't leave Charley, but if I did Blake would die and become tonight's dinner. I followed after the men.

I hurried into the room after them before getting caught. "Oh my, this is one awesome room" I start acting innocent "where are you taking my friend?" One of the men grabbed my arm "you are quite strong army you? Now where are you taking me?" I was dragged closer towards the door at the end of the room.

The door opened and the smell hit you like a bomb. They dragged us into the room, nervous about what would happen next. We were tied up to the celling by our feet. "What are you doing?!" I yelled at the men.

"Dinner will be served in two hours" one of the smiled before hitting me on the back of the head with a bat, knocking me out.

When I awoke, it was all hazy for a while until the memories of before I was knocked out came to my head. We were still hanging upside down in the room. The room was bright, due to all the lights turned on.

"I'm sorry we had to meet like this" I heard Rusty speak. "But I can't be having two of my guests know about my... Hobby. Don't take this the wrong way but... I'm going to have to kill you."

"What?! And then you'll eat us?!"

"No. We won't be. But your friends will" he laughed. "Don't you love the apocalypse?" he said walking over towards me. My face was at his knees, due to me being held upside down. He kneed me in the nose. I could feel the blood drip. "Awww I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" He kneed me in the nose again. The pain doubled and all I smell was blood.

I went to hold my nose to stop the blood flow but they were tied together, behind my back. He kneed my nose again "stop, stop, stop" I cried.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Blake woke up.

"Too bad, I already have" he punched my gut making a painful noise escape my lips.


"Oh stop your whining, lover boy" Rusty kicked Blake in the face.

"Why are you doing this?" I say painfully.

"People gotta eat" Rusty waved a small knife in his hand around, pointing it towards Blake. "It's the circle of life."

"Yeah, the circle of people eating people" Blake spat blood out of his mouth.

"You better watch that tongue of yours, or I'll cut it off and feed it to the chickens" Rusty pointed the tip of the blade into Blake's stomach, where his shirt was hanging down, showing his stomach. "That young girl with you, Charley was here name?" He grinned towards my direction.

"I swear if you hurt her" I wriggle around, upside down.

"Ah yes, Charley. She's one tough fighter. I'd like to take her out of your care are train her. Train her into my army. Where shed survive the upcoming war, destroy the critters and save humanity. Shed make a good player in my little army" he paced around the room pointing the knife between us. "She even survived that bullet" those words calmed me a bit. "Well then, what am I doing playing with my food like a child. I'll be on my way. In a few moments my chef will come in a see to you two and figure out something nice" he headed towards the door. "I'll be seeing you later. Although you won't be seeing me" he turned the lights off and closed the door leaving us in the dark awaiting for the preparation of dinner.

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