Chapter Seven Christina

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The door closed loudly making a large BANG! Sound. There were a few dark, awkward moments of silence. "You okay?" Blake asked.

"Other than being locked in a pitch black slaughterhouse, awaiting my death? Perfectly fine" the chains around my ankles were twisting my body around. "All the blood is rushing to my head. I have a really bad headache" I tried lifting my head up.

"I know how you feel" I heard him say in the darkness. "Wait you still have those knives right?"


"Okay, I have a plan. Swing towards me, facing your front to my back. I'm going to try and grab my jacket and get one of the knives out" I started swinging in his direction. It took a while to actually swing in the direction, Blake was. His back was facing me, so that his hands could grab his jacket, I was wearing.

He grabbed the jacket at the collar. The jackets zip was up, making it harder to get the knives. His free hand felt down the inside of the jacket. His hand accidentally felt my breasts "oi, watch it."

"Sorry" he continued to feel the jacket. "Got one!" He pulled out a small knife and let go of the jacket, sending me swinging on the chain. It felt like a roller coaster gone wrong. I felt like throwing up. He grabbed the jacket again but with his hands on either side of my shoulders. "Hi" he said awkwardly. He turned me around, with the knife between his teeth, so he could get to my hands. He cut the duck tape binding my wrists together. "Dude, do you have a bobby pin or something like that?" I pulled out two bobby pins from my hair and handed them to Blake. "Cool, just hold onto me while I pick the lock on the chains" I wrapped my arms around his waist as he sat up, hanging in mid air and stuck two Bobby pins into the lock and started twisting them. "Got it!" Then he fell to the floor, landing on his back, making me let go of his waist, sending me flying. Again.

"BLAKE!" I screamed as I swung.

"I got ya" he grabbed my legs, as I came back his way. "Wrap your arms around my neck so you don't fall, like I did" he wrapped my arms around his neck and his arm wrapped around my upper back, under my arms. I heard him pick at the lock. He caught my legs, carrying me, as the lock unlocked. "Hi" he whispered under his breath.

"You can let me go now."

"Now where's the fun in that" I could tell he was smiling behind the darkness that blocked our vision. "Oh my god, I could just kiss you right now" I could feel his heart rate increase and he held my body tighter.

"Look... Blake... Now isn't the best time for this... It's kind of awkward... Your like a brother to me..." Shit. I just dropped the brother bomb on him. I could feel his smile fade. He put me back on my feet. "Blake..."

"No, no. I understand" he sighed. From the other end of the door we heard footsteps. "We're going to have to knock out the people who walk in, so that we can escape" he obviously didn't want to talk about what just happened.

The door open and the light from the other room blinded my eyes. My senses kicked in and I roundhouse kicked the man in front of me, sending him to the floor, knocked out. Blake had gotten the other man. "We need to go now" Blake dragged me by my hand out into the bright room. "We're going to have to sneak out. Rusty would shoot us on the spot if we walked back out, unharmed" he smashed one of the windows. "It's getting late. We better hurry if we want to get somewhere safe before night falls."

"What about the others?"

"We'll come back for them. We have to go. We have to get as far away from Rusty as we possibly can" he climbed out the broken window and offered his hand to me. "I'm leaving even if your not coming" his expression was more serious than I've ever seen.

I took his hand.

We ran through the deserted road. There wasn't a house in sight, which was bad because we needed shelter fast.

It was just ending sunset when we came across an abandoned blue Toyota car on the side of the road. "We better camp out here. We won't find another shelter for a while and Crawler Night Patrols will scour the road" Blake said opening the back door of the car, offering for me to crawl in.

Blake sat on the edge seat on the side of the door, that we entered. The pink of the sunset hi lighted his sweaty face. His black shaggy hair was wet from sweat, and stuck to his forehead. He was out of breath and breathing deeply.

I sat there staring at him. I was finding him more attractive, the longer I stared. The conversation we had earlier flooded my mind. I was feeling mixed emotions for Blake.

I knew him like a brother, but I had feelings for him like, more than just a friend. The longer I thought about this, the more I realised what I actually felt for him.

"You okay?" He asked with a confused face, with a slight smile on his lips.

"... No..."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

I though about what he said a little longer than I should have. "Yes" I stood on my knees, so that I was his height, when he was sat down. I lightly wrapped my hands around his throat. My fingers brushed the back of his neck. "You can kiss me" and before he could realise what I had said, I pressed my lips against his. I could feel his eyebrows raise, surprised. His hands held the side of my hips.

"But... I thought... Why?" He stumbled as I pulled away.

"Oh shut up, your ruining the moment. Let's just say that I was wrong."

Something out side moved "Crawler!" We ducked under the window. We waited a while. "Okay, it's gone" he couldn't stop looking at me with a small smile spread across his lips. "Get some rest, I'll take the first watch." I laid down across the back seats with my feet on his lap. Blake untied my laces and pulled my boots off my feet. His warm hands slowly massaged my feet. It felt weird with all the holes in my socks, letting the cold air seep in and freeze my feet. After a while I fell asleep.

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